Smart Tips to Clear IIT JEE Main Exam 2019

Smart Tips to Clear
IIT JEE Main Exam 2019
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main will be conducted by the National Testing Agency twice a year for admission to NITs, IITs and CFTIs. Based on performance in IIT JEE Mains, candidates will be called for JEE Advanced. To get admission to the participating institutes, students are required to qualify both the examinations i.e. JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. JEE Main registration is open and students can apply for the same till September 30, 2018.Since JEE is one of the toughest engineering examinations to be conducted in India, therefore, it is very important to start your preparation well in advance. To know more about the smart tips to clear IIT JEE Main exam 2019, keep reading the article.
JEE is not a piece of cake and it needs proper planning and ample amount of hard work. The top tips to crack IIT JEE 2019 are given below:
Focus on the goal
Before commencing your preparation set a particular goal. For this, you can ask yourself three questions i.e. whether you want to pursue Engineering? Do you wish to study at the prestigious IITs? and the last one is whether you can handle the competition pressure? If your answer is in affirmative, then you can start your preparation for IIT JEE. It is pretty important to have a right attitude to prepare and appear for JEE Main.Go through the Syllabus
JEE Main Syllabus is not the same as that of Class 12 syllabus. In general, it includes advanced level topics also. So, it is advisable to rely on the syllabus available on the official website only. There are some topics which are included in Class 12 board syllabus but of no use in JEE Main. So, go through the syllabus wisely.Related Blog: JEE Main Selection Process
Make proper notes
Always make a habit of preparing JEE notes whenever you study. Nowadays, coaching centers provide good quality notes for IIT JEE. So, note down whatever is taught in the JEE coaching institutes and make a habit of revising it daily. You can also make short notes of each topic as it will be easier to revise the short notes just before the examination.Study Schedule
It is very important to prepare a strategy for your studies. It is advisable to make a timetable and schedule your day accordingly. Divide the entire IIT JEE Main syllabus and focus on all the three subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Focus more on clearing the concepts and try to solve as many questions as you can.Make a study plan for every day. On weekends, try to give more time to your studies and focus on practising the difficult topics. Never study when you are not in the mood. You should also focus on time management while studying.
Consistency is very important. Being regular is very important. Most of the students start their preparation energetically but eventually get bored or disinterested. The preparation of this exam involves dedication,hard work and sincerity. It is advisable that you must stick to the syllabus and follow the same accordingly. The only way to improve your preparation is by pushing your limits. After, you have to compete with lakhs of students, for which you have to push yourself and boost your preparation. Focus more on qualitative studying rather than on quantitative studying.Related Blog: JEE Main Counselling
Healthy Lifestyle
While preparing for a competitive examination like IIT JEE, you are required to develop a healthy lifestyle. It is really very important to study but not at the cost of sacrificing one’s life. Take short breaks while studying, indulge yourself in outdoor sports or do yoga, which will refresh your mind. Avoid studying continuously for long hours.It’s true that nothing can beat hard work and knowledge to ace in an examination but some of the smart tips mentioned above are also important to clear IIT JEE 2019 or any other national level examination. So, if you want to get admission to the prestigious IIT’s, you are required to focus on the tips mentioned above.