Dear Readers,
The one subject in NEET which is candidates who can easily attain good marks is Chemistry. That's the reason, often, one doesn’t pay notice and choose to compromise it. But if one wants to rank above others, the tip is to be thorough with NEET chemistry concepts. The understanding of reactions and definite basic understanding is what requires major attention in Chemistry but once done it only gets simpler from there. The main focus on the to-do list should be on getting a hang of the NCERT syllabus of NEET chemistry.
Q1. Willemite is
Willemite, a rare zinc silicate mineral, isZn2 SiO4. It has trigonal symmetry and is strongly fluorescent green
Willemite, a rare zinc silicate mineral, isZn2 SiO4. It has trigonal symmetry and is strongly fluorescent green
Q2. Roasting is used in the extraction of:
Roasting is mainly used in the extraction of sulphide ores. Galena—PbS, Iron pyrite-FeS, Copper glance-Cu2S.
Roasting is mainly used in the extraction of sulphide ores. Galena—PbS, Iron pyrite-FeS, Copper glance-Cu2S.
Q3. In metallurgical process, the flux used for removing acidic impurities is:
SiO2 +CaCO3 →CaSiO3 +CO2 Impurity (acidic) Flux (basic) Slag
SiO2 +CaCO3 →CaSiO3 +CO2 Impurity (acidic) Flux (basic) Slag
Q4. The most abundant element in the earth crust is:
The abundance ratio : O>Si>Al>Fe .
The abundance ratio : O>Si>Al>Fe .
Q5.Alloy formation gives rise to:
All are characteristic features of alloy.
All are characteristic features of alloy.
Q6. One of the following metals forms a volatile compound and this property is taken advantage for its extraction. This metals is
Mond’s process for refining of Ni is an example of vapour phase refining
Mond’s process for refining of Ni is an example of vapour phase refining
Q7.Which element occurs freely in nature?
Sulphur occurs in native state while iodine, phosphorus and magnesium are found in combined state.
Sulphur occurs in native state while iodine, phosphorus and magnesium are found in combined state.
Q8.Lepidolite is an ore of:
Lepidolite is (Li,Na,K)2;Al2 (SiO3 )3,(F,OH)2.
Lepidolite is (Li,Na,K)2;Al2 (SiO3 )3,(F,OH)2.
Q9.Which of the following metal is thrown as anode mud during electrolytic refining of copper?
In electrolytic refining of Cu, impurities of Fe,Ni, and Zn pass into solution and others like Au and Ag fall down, as anode mud.
In electrolytic refining of Cu, impurities of Fe,Ni, and Zn pass into solution and others like Au and Ag fall down, as anode mud.
Q10. Which metal is used as a reducing agent in smelting?
In smelting, powerful reducing agents like C,H2,CO etc are used
In smelting, powerful reducing agents like C,H2,CO etc are used