The one subject in NEET which is candidates who can easily attain good marks is Chemistry. That's the reason, often, one doesn’t pay notice and choose to compromise it. But if one wants to rank above others, the tip is to be thorough with NEET chemistry concepts. The understanding of reactions and definite basic understanding is what requires major attention in Chemistry but once done it only gets simpler from there. The main focus on the to-do list should be on getting a hang of the NCERT syllabus of NEET chemistry.
Q1. Matte contains mainly
Matte is a mixture of Cu2 Scontaining little FeS
Matte is a mixture of Cu2 Scontaining little FeS
Q2. The lightest metal is:
Density increases with increasing atomic number.
Density increases with increasing atomic number.
Q3. Alloy is an example of:
Dispersion of solid in solid is called solid sol.
Dispersion of solid in solid is called solid sol.
Q4. Load stone is one ore of
Load stone (magnetite, Fe3O4) is an ore of iron.
Load stone (magnetite, Fe3O4) is an ore of iron.
Q5.When a metal is to be extracted from its ore, if the gangue associated with the ore is silica, then
SiO2+ CaO→ CaSiO3 acidic impurity basic flux slag
SiO2+ CaO→ CaSiO3 acidic impurity basic flux slag
Q6. Calamine is an ore of:
Calamine is an ore of Zn containing ZnCO3.
Calamine is an ore of Zn containing ZnCO3.
Q7.The slag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is composed of
The slag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is ofFeSiO3.It is carried out in smelting. FeO+SiO2→FeSiO3 (slag)
The slag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is ofFeSiO3.It is carried out in smelting. FeO+SiO2→FeSiO3 (slag)
Q8.In froth floatation process many chemicals (frother, collector, activator and depressant) are used. Which is called a frother?
Pine oil reduces the surface tension of water and the solution forms froths.
Pine oil reduces the surface tension of water and the solution forms froths.
Q9.The metal extracted by leaching with cyanide is:
Follow text.
Follow text.
Q10. Wolframite ore contains:
Wolframite is FeWO4.
Wolframite is FeWO4.