The one subject in NEET which is candidates who can easily attain good marks is Chemistry. That's the reason, often, one doesn’t pay notice and choose to compromise it. But if one wants to rank above others, the tip is to be thorough with NEET chemistry concepts. The understanding of reactions and definite basic understanding is what requires major attention in Chemistry but once done it only gets simpler from there. The main focus on the to-do list should be on getting a hang of the NCERT syllabus of NEET chemistry..
This reaction is called Rosenmund’s reaction.
Q2.Which of the following doesn’t give Fehling solution test?
Fehling solution is cupric ion complex with tartarate anion. Aldehydes reduce it to red precipitate. The red precipitate is chemically
Fehling solution is cupric ion complex with tartarate anion. Aldehydes reduce it to red precipitate. The red precipitate is chemically
∴ Only acetone which is ketone not an aldehyde does not give iodoform test.
Q3. Benzaldehyde condense with acetaldehyde to produce
This reaction is an example of Claisen Schmidt reaction (Claisen condensation). The reaction is as follows
This reaction is an example of Claisen Schmidt reaction (Claisen condensation). The reaction is as follows
Q4. An important reaction of acetone is autocondensation in presence of concentrated sulphuric acid to give the aromatic compound
Q6. Which of the following would produce secondary alcohol?
In (a) t-alcohol, in (c) initially s-alcohol converting to ether. In (d) p-alcohol.
In (a) t-alcohol, in (c) initially s-alcohol converting to ether. In (d) p-alcohol.
Q7.Which of the following reactants on reaction with conc. NaOH followed by acidification gives
following lactone as the product

Q8.The boiling and melting points of carboxylic acids depend on:
Acids shows H-bonding and thus, have higher b.p.
Acids shows H-bonding and thus, have higher b.p.
Q9.Which of the following substances cannot be used for the replacement of —OH group in organic
compounds by Cl?
Q10. The acid showing salt like structure in aqueous solution is:
It exists as zwitter ion, an internal salt structure.
It exists as zwitter ion, an internal salt structure.