NEET is the most famous and important medical entrance examination held in our country. This exam is an objective type, an offline test which includes 4 sections namely– Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. The maximum marks that can be scored are 720 marks and have 180 questions.
About half of the paper consists of questions from Biology, as the NEET exam essentially focuses on capacitating students to go for seats in medical courses. One of the most significant and crucial sections in the NEET exam is of Biology. It comprises of theories, descriptions, discoveries, diagrams, definitions, explanations of differences, and relations. The majority of the topics covered in the NEET syllabus are from the NCERT syllabus of Class 11 & 12 and other related sources become part of the rest of the syllabus.
Clear Exam curates a list of articles selected by professionals who recommend the highly vital topics for NEET exams. The table below takes you directly to the respective topic where the in-depth article and the MCQs are available for an easy and productive learning experience. Prior to solving NEET question papers or practicing mock tests, you must ensure to study the basic concepts in NEET and practice a few sample questions related to this exam. Students will be covered for all their studies as the topics are available from basics to even the most advanced.
Class-Amphibia and class-Reptilia share the following features. Presence of tympanum is seen in both classes, which represents the ear. Animals of both classes are cold-blooded or poikilotherms and usually have a three-chambered heart with the exception of a crocodile
A- Spermatheca, B- Testis, C- Seminal vesicle, D- Ovary, E- vas deferens, F- Accessory gland
A transverse section of Pheretima taken through the 10th segment shows the following structures - stomach, dorsal blood vessel, ventral blood vessel supraoesophageal vessel, anterior loops, ring vessel and micronephridia.
Q4. Zoological name of common Indian krait is :
Zoological name of common Indian krait is Bungarus caeruleus. Kraits are highly poisonous snake.
Metatherians are pouched mammals. The complete development of embryo takes place in abdominal pouch or marsupium.
The six-hooked embryo of Taenia solium is called hexacanth. Hexacanth along with all its membranes is called oncosphere. The oncospheres are passed out along with human stools, which is eaten up by the pig (secondary or intermediate host). Thus, oncospheres reach in the intestines of pigs and infect them.
Reptiles are different in their integuments. Amphibians have smooth moist skin, while the reptilian skin is scaly, rough and dry, and is periodically shed off by a process of moulting. The amphibian heart is three-chambered, while the reptilian heart is four-chambered. The amphibian larva usually undergoes metamorphosis unlike reptilian young one
A glandular band called clitellum surrounds 14, 15, 16 segments.
Scorpion and ticks belongs to Arachnida class of phylum-Arthropoda.
Earthworm (Pheretima posthuma) has segmented body. It belongs to phylum-Annelida.