Surface Chemistry Quiz-11
Dear Readers,
The one subject in NEET which is candidates who can easily attain good marks is Chemistry. That's the reason, often, one doesn’t pay notice and choose to compromise it. But if one wants to rank above others, the tip is to be thorough with NEET chemistry concepts. The understanding of reactions and definite basic understanding is what requires major attention in Chemistry but once done it only gets simpler from there. The main focus on the to-do list should be on getting a hang of the NCERT syllabus of NEET chemistry.
Q1. Enzymes are
Enzymes are high molecular weight protein with specific action
Enzymes are high molecular weight protein with specific action
Q2. Which statement is not correct?
Detergents possess surface activity like surfactants as well as cleaning action.
Detergents possess surface activity like surfactants as well as cleaning action.
Q3. The equation for Freundlich adsorption isotherm is
Freundlich adsorption isotherm gives relationship between pressure and amount of substrate adsorbed.
Freundlich adsorption isotherm gives relationship between pressure and amount of substrate adsorbed.
Q4. Tyndall effect shown by colloids is due to
Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal solution due to scattering of light by their particles.
Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal solution due to scattering of light by their particles.
Q5. The temperature above which micelle formation occurs is :
CMC occurs only above Kraft’s temperature.
CMC occurs only above Kraft’s temperature.
Q6. Choose macromolecular colloids among the following
Starch and cellulose are macromolecular particles
Starch and cellulose are macromolecular particles
Q7. Which one of the following does not involve coagulation?
Coagulation is the phenomenon of conversion of colloidal sol into precipitate while in peptization, a fresh precipitate is converted into sol by adding electrolyte. Hence, it is clear that peptization does not involve coagulation.
Coagulation is the phenomenon of conversion of colloidal sol into precipitate while in peptization, a fresh precipitate is converted into sol by adding electrolyte. Hence, it is clear that peptization does not involve coagulation.
Q8. Which of the following acts as protective colloid?
Lyophilic colloids are protective colloids because they prevent the precipitation of lyophobic colloids.
Gelatin is a protective colloid. Its gold number is 0.005-0.001.
Lyophilic colloids are protective colloids because they prevent the precipitation of lyophobic colloids.
Gelatin is a protective colloid. Its gold number is 0.005-0.001.
Q9. Choose the intrinsic colloids among the following
Q10. Which of the following does not form anionic micelle?
In a, b, c anionic micelle is formed.
In a, b, c anionic micelle is formed.