Biotechnology and microbes in human welfare Quiz-7

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NEET is the most famous and important medical entrance examination held in our country. This exam is an objective type, an offline test which includes 4 sections namely– Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. The maximum marks that can be scored are 720 marks and have 180 questions. About half of the paper consists of questions from Biology, as the NEET exam essentially focuses on capacitating students to go for seats in medical courses. One of the most significant and crucial sections in the NEET exam is of Biology. It comprises of theories, descriptions, discoveries, diagrams, definitions, explanations of differences, and relations. The majority of the topics covered in the NEET syllabus are from the NCERT syllabus of Class 11 & 12 and other related sources become part of the rest of the syllabus. Clear Exam curates a list of articles selected by professionals who recommend the highly vital topics for NEET exams. The table below takes you directly to the respective topic where the in-depth article and the MCQs are available for an easy and productive learning experience. Prior to solving NEET question papers or practicing mock tests, you must ensure to study the basic concepts in NEET and practice a few sample questions related to this exam. Students will be covered for all their studies as the topics are available from basics to even the most advanced..
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Q1. ‘Himgiri’ developed by hybridization and selection for disease resistance against rust pathogens is a variety of
  •  Maize
  •   Sugarcane
  •  Wheat
  •  Chilli
c) ‘Himgiri’ is a wheat variety resistant to leaf and stripe rust, hill bunt etc.

Q2. Mycorrhiza promotes plant growth by
  •  Absorbing inorganic ions from soil
  •  Helping the plant in utilizing atmospheric nitrogen
  •  Protecting the plant from infection
  •  Serving as plant growth regulator
a) Mycorrhiza promotes plant growth by absorbing inorganic ions from soil. Fungi form symbiotic association with the roots of higher plants called mycorrhiza. The fungal hyphae absorb phosphorus from soil and passes it to the plant

Q3.   Which of the following is used as biofertiliser?
I. Cyanobacteria
II. Yeast
III. Symbiotic bacteria
IV. Free living bacteria
Choose the correct option
  •   I, II and III
  •  I, III and IV
  •  II, III and IV
  •  I, II and IV
b) Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae is the most suitable source of biofertiliser, particularly in rice fields, e.g., Nostoc, Anabaena Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium that lives in the root nodules of legumes and fixes atmospheric nitrogen into organic compound Azospirillum and Azotobacter are free-living bacteria which absorb free nitrogen from soil, air and convert it into salts of nitrogen like amino acids and enrich soil nutrients

Q4. The water soluble protein associated with silk thread is
  •  Fibroin
  •  Sericin
  •  Chitin
  •  Mucin
b) Silk thread is obtained from the cocoon of Bombyx mori. It contains a water soluble protein, sericin.

Q5. Shakti, Rattan and Protina are three important lysine rich varieties of
  •   Rice
  •   Pulses
  •  Wheat
  •  Maize
d) Shakti, Rattan and Protina are recently developed composite (germplasm complex) varieties of maize, which have a higher lysine and tryptophan content than traditional maize varieties.

Q6.  Mating between two individuals differing in genotypes to produce genetic variation is called
  •  Domestication
  •  Introduction
  •   Hybridization
  •  Mutation
c) Hybridization is a method of producing new crop varieties, in which to or more plants of unlike genotype (genetically dissimilar) are crossed.

Q7. An undistillled alcoholic beverage produced from grain-mesh fermentation is
  • Beer
  •  Rum
  •  Curd
  •  Wine
(a) An undistilled alcoholic beverage produced from grain-mesh fermentation is beer. Beer has an alcoholic content of 3-6%
Q8. Benefits of mycorrhizae are
I. resistance to root borne pathogen
II. tolerance to salinity and pathogen
III. overall increase in the plant growth and development
Choose the correct option
  • I and II
  •   I and III
  •  II and III
  •  I, II and III
d) Fungi form symbiotic association with the roots of higher plants called mycorrhiza, e.g., Glomus. Mycorrhiza shows benefits such as resistance to root borne pathogens, tolerance to salinity and drought and an over all increase in plant growth and development

Q9. Mule is a product of
  •  Breeding
  •  Mutation
  •  Hybridization
  •  Interspecific hybridization
(d) Mule is a result of interspecific hybridization, i.e., between two different species but between two same generic members. Here, the hybridization is made between male ass and female horse.

Q10.  Triticum vulgare has been found to be presently evolved as
  •  Diploid
  •  Tetraploid
  •  Pentaploid
  •  Hexaploid
d) The common bread wheat (Triticum aestivum = T. vulgare) is an allohexaploid. It has two copies of each of the genomes A, B and D. Its somatic complement is represented as AA BB DD.

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Biotechnology and microbes in human welfare Quiz-7
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