Dear Readers,
NEET is the most famous and important medical entrance examination held in our country. This exam is an objective type, an offline test which includes 4 sections namely– Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. The maximum marks that can be scored are 720 marks and have 180 questions. About half of the paper consists of questions from Biology, as the NEET exam essentially focuses on capacitating students to go for seats in medical courses. One of the most significant and crucial sections in the NEET exam is of Biology. It comprises of theories, descriptions, discoveries, diagrams, definitions, explanations of differences, and relations. The majority of the topics covered in the NEET syllabus are from the NCERT syllabus of Class 11 & 12 and other related sources become part of the rest of the syllabus. Clear Exam curates a list of articles selected by professionals who recommend the highly vital topics for NEET exams. The table below takes you directly to the respective topic where the in-depth article and the MCQs are available for an easy and productive learning experience. Prior to solving NEET question papers or practicing mock tests, you must ensure to study the basic concepts in NEET and practice a few sample questions related to this exam. Students will be covered for all their studies as the topics are available from basics to even the most advanced..
Q1. In the origin of life, microspheres are most primitive protobiont, which have a membrane of
The covering membrane can be of the lipid bilayer if the mixture contains lipids and corresponding to cell membrane. Sydney Fox (1950) heated a dry mixture of amino acids to130°-180°C. It formed proteins or polypeptides. The latter were cooled in water. It produced protenoid microspheres of 1-2μmdiameter.
The covering membrane can be of the lipid bilayer if the mixture contains lipids and corresponding to cell membrane. Sydney Fox (1950) heated a dry mixture of amino acids to130°-180°C. It formed proteins or polypeptides. The latter were cooled in water. It produced protenoid microspheres of 1-2μmdiameter.
Q2.The best description of natural selection is
Natural selection is shown by the reproductive success of the members of a population best adapted to the environment.
Natural selection is shown by the reproductive success of the members of a population best adapted to the environment.
Q3. The animal called ……… evolved into the first amphibians that lived on both land and water.
Complete the given statement by choosing an appropriate option
Q4. Earliest fossil ape prior to the ape man was
Earliest fossil ape prior to ape man was Dryopithecus.
Earliest fossil ape prior to ape man was Dryopithecus.
Q5.The chronological order of human evolution from early to the recent is
The correct chronological order of human evolution from early to recent is Ramapithecus⟶Australopithecus→ (First hominid) (First ape man)
The correct chronological order of human evolution from early to recent is Ramapithecus⟶Australopithecus→ (First hominid) (First ape man)
Homo habilis⟶Homoerectus
(Tool maker handy man) (Erect man)
Q6. Lamarckism cannot explain
Lamarckian theory is also known as theory of inheritance of acquried characters or theory of use and disuse of organs. This theory can not explain the reason of weak muscles in the son of a wrestler.
Lamarckian theory is also known as theory of inheritance of acquried characters or theory of use and disuse of organs. This theory can not explain the reason of weak muscles in the son of a wrestler.
Q7.Which of the following is not a living fossil?
Living fossils are those plants and animals which have become extinct excepting one or two representatives, e.g., Sphenodon,Ginkgo,Equisetum.
Living fossils are those plants and animals which have become extinct excepting one or two representatives, e.g., Sphenodon,Ginkgo,Equisetum.
Q8.Organic compounds first evolved in earth required for origin of life were
In the process of evolution smaller and simpler organic compounds gradually started combining among themselves to from complex organic compounds. The amino acids combines to form polypeptide and proteins while the purine and pyrimidines combine to form nucleotides and ultimately nucleic acids.
In the process of evolution smaller and simpler organic compounds gradually started combining among themselves to from complex organic compounds. The amino acids combines to form polypeptide and proteins while the purine and pyrimidines combine to form nucleotides and ultimately nucleic acids.
Q9.Formation of simple and less elaborated forms from the more complex and specialized one is called
Regressive evolution is a phenomenon by which a species loses its features through evolution. It is especially evident in many cave-dwelling species, the majority of which actually descended from species that originally lived above ground. Some of these organisms happened to have traits that were beneficial in a cave environment, prompting part of the population to move underground. Over time some features, like eyes or skin pigmentation, for example, became unnecessary and eventually disappeared
Regressive evolution is a phenomenon by which a species loses its features through evolution. It is especially evident in many cave-dwelling species, the majority of which actually descended from species that originally lived above ground. Some of these organisms happened to have traits that were beneficial in a cave environment, prompting part of the population to move underground. Over time some features, like eyes or skin pigmentation, for example, became unnecessary and eventually disappeared
Q10. In Hardy-Weinberg principle expression of allele frequency is represented by
Frequency of a particular allele is calculated as follows
Frequency of a particular allele is calculated as follows
It depends on the condition that which formular suits the particular situation