Dear Readers,
JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus can be referred by the IIT aspirants to get a detailed list of all topics that are important in cracking the entrance examination. JEE Advanced syllabus for Physics has been designed in such a way that it offers very practical and application-based learning to further make it easier for students to understand every concept or topic by correlating it with day-to-day experiences. In comparison to the other two subjects, the syllabus of JEE Advanced for physics is developed in such a way so as to test the deep understanding and application of concepts.
Q2. Uranium ores contain one radium-226 atom for every 2.8×10^6 uranium-238 atoms. Calculate the half-life of _92 U^238, given that the half-life of _88 Ra^226 is 1600 years (_88 Ra^226 is a decay product of _92 U^238)
Q3 Atomic masses of two isobars _29^64 Cu and _30^64 Zn are 63.9298 u and 63.9292 u, respectively. It can be concluded from this data that
Expected atomic mass of Cu must be less than that of zinc, but it is not so. So, it means Cu is radioactive and unstable and decays to Zn through β-decay
Q5. A nucleus with atomic number Z and neutron number N undergoes two decay processes. The result is a nucleus with atomic number Z-3 and neutron number N-1. Which decay processes took place?
Q6〖 _92 U〗^238 absorbs a neutron. The product emits an electron. This product further emits an electron. The result is
Q8 A stationery Thorium nucleus (A=220,Z=90) emits an alpha particle with kinetic energy E_α. What is the kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus?
Q9. An element A decays into an element C by a two-step process:
A→B+He_2^4 and B→C+2e_(-1)^0
Isotopes A and C have same number of protons
Q10. A 5×10^(-4) Å photon produces an electron-positron pair in the vincinity of a heavy nucleus. Rest energy of electron is 0.511 MeV. If they have the same kinetic energies, the energy of each particle is nearly