JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus can be referred by the IIT aspirants to get a detailed list of all topics that are important in cracking the entrance examination. JEE Advanced syllabus for Physics has been designed in such a way that it offers very practical and application-based learning to further make it easier for students to understand every concept or topic by correlating it with day-to-day experiences. In comparison to the other two subjects, the syllabus of JEE Advanced for physics is developed in such a way so as to test the deep understanding and application of concepts..
Q1. A circular metal hoop is suspended on the edge by a hook. The hoop can oscillate side to side in the plane of the hoop, or it can oscillate back and forth in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the hoop. The time period of oscillation would be more when oscillations are carried out in the plane of hoop
Statement 1:Time period of physical pendulum is more if moment of inertia of the right body about corresponding axis passing through the pivoted point is more
Statement 2:Time period of physical pendulum is more if moment of inertia of the rigid body about corresponding axis passing through the pivoted point is more
Q2.Statement 1: A particle is moving along the x-axis. The resultant force F acting on it is given by F=-ax-b, where a and b are both positive constants. The motion of this particle is not SHM
Statement 2: In SHM resultant force must be proportional to the displacement from mean position
Q3. Statement 1: When a simple pendulum is made to oscillate on the surface of moon, its time period increases
Statement 2: Moon is much smaller as compared to earth
Q4. Statement 1: There pendulums are suspended from ceiling as shown in figure These three pendulums are set to oscillate as shown by arrows, and it is found that all three have same time period. Now, all three are taken to a place where acceleration due to gravity changes to 4/9th of its value at the first place. If spring pendulum makes 60 cycles in a given time at this place, then torsion pendulum and simple pendulum will also make 60 oscillations in same (given ) time interval Statement 2: Time period of torsion pendulum is independent of acceleration due to gravity
Q5.Statement 1: Sine and cosine functions are periodic functions
Statement 2: Sinusoidal functions repeats it values after a definite interval of time
Q6. Statement 1: For an oscillating simple pendulum, the tension in the string is maximum at the mean position and minimum at the extreme position
Statement 2: The velocity of oscillating bob in simple harmonic motion is maximum at the mean position
Q7. Statement 1: Consider motion for mass spring system under gravity, motion of M is not a simple harmonic motion unless Mg is negligibly small
Statement 2: For simple harmonic motion acceleration must be proportional to displacement and is directed towards the mean position
Q8.Statement 1: In S.H.M., the motion is ‘to and fro’ and periodic
Statement 2: Velocity of the particle (v)=ω√(k2-x2 ) (where x is the displacement and k is amplitude)
Q9.Statement 1: All oscillatory motions are necessarily periodic motion but all periodic motion are not oscillatory
Statement 2: Simple pendulum is an example of oscillatory motion
Q10. Statement 1: The periodic time of a hard spring is less as compared to that of a soft spring
Statement 2: The periodic time depends upon the spring constant, and spring constant is large for hard spring