Permutations and Combinations is one of the most important chapters of Algebra in the JEE syllabus and other engineering exams. For JEE Mains, it has 4% weightage and for JEE Advanced, it has 5% weightage..
This section contain(s) 5 questions numbered 1 to 5. Each question contains statement 1(Assertion) and statement 2(Reason). Each question has the 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which only one is correct.
a)Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1
b)Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1
c)Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False
d)Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True
a)Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1
b)Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1
c)Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False
d)Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True
Q1. Statement 1: From a group of 8 men and 4 women at team of 5, including at least one women can be formed in 736 ways
Statement 2: Number of ways of selecting at least one woman from 𝑚 men and 𝑛 women is 𝑚+𝑛𝐶𝑛 − 𝑚𝐶𝑛
Q2.Statement 1: If 𝑎,𝑏,𝑐 are positive integers such that 𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 ≤ 8, then the number of possible values of the ordered triplets (𝑎,𝑏,𝑐) is 56
Statement 2: The number of ways in which 𝑛 identical things can be distributed into 𝑟 different groups is 𝑛−1𝐶𝑟−1
Q3. Statement 1: The number of ways in which three distinct numbers can be selected from the set {31,32,33,…,3100,3101} so that they form a G.P. is 2500
Statement 2: If 𝑎,𝑏,𝑐 are in A.P., then 3𝑎,3𝑏,3𝑐 are in G.P.
Q4. Statement 1: The number of ways of writing 1400 as a product of two positive integers is 12 Statement 2: 1400 is divisible by exactly three prime factors
Statement 1: Product of five consecutive natural numbers is divisible by 4!
Statement 2: Product of 𝑛 consecutive natural numbers is divisible by (𝑛+1)!