IIT JEE exam which consists of JEE Main and JEE Advanced is one of the most important entrance exams for engineering aspirants. The exam is held for candidates who are aspiring to pursue a career in the field of engineering and technical studies.
Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry! Even your body is made of chemicals. Chemical reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals, so the importance of chemistry is that it's the study of everything..
Q1.Statement 1: In sodium chloride crystal, Na^⨁ ions occupy OVs while Cl^⊝ ions occupy vertices of octahedron
Statement 2: The radius ratio of Na^⨁:Cl^⊝ lies between 0.4 and 0.7
Statement 2: The radius ratio of Na^⨁:Cl^⊝ lies between 0.4 and 0.7
(d) Correct(A):Na^⨁ ions occupy all OVs but Cl^⊝ ions occupy lattice points (corner+ face centers) (R) is correct; for OV, r_⨁+r_⊝=0.414-0.732
(d) Correct(A):Na^⨁ ions occupy all OVs but Cl^⊝ ions occupy lattice points (corner+ face centers) (R) is correct; for OV, r_⨁+r_⊝=0.414-0.732
Q2.Statement 1: Glasses can be moulded and blows into various shapes.
Statement 2: Glasses have a low melting point. :
Statement 2: Glasses have a low melting point. :
(a) Glasses are Morphours solid which change their shape on change the melting point. So they do not have the sharp melting point
(a) Glasses are Morphours solid which change their shape on change the melting point. So they do not have the sharp melting point
Q3. Statement 1: For ionic solids exhibiting Frenkel defects, the density remains unaltered.
Statement 2: Doping of group 14 elements with suitable elements of group 13 produces p-type of semiconductors.
Statement 2: Doping of group 14 elements with suitable elements of group 13 produces p-type of semiconductors.
(d) Both statement and explanation are correct but reason for the statement is different.
(d) Both statement and explanation are correct but reason for the statement is different.
Q4. Statement 1: In the rock salt type structure, all the OVs are occupied by Na^⊕ ions
Statement 2: Number of OVs = Number of Cl^⊝ ions in the packing
(b) Correct explanation: Na^⨁ ions can be placed only in OVs since TVs are too small to accommodate them
(b) Correct explanation: Na^⨁ ions can be placed only in OVs since TVs are too small to accommodate them
Q5.Statement 1: Equivalent conducting power of H^+ and OH^- ion is maximum and abnormally high among all the ions.
Statement 2: There occurs a proton jump from one water molecule to other leading to grothus type conductance.
Statement 2: There occurs a proton jump from one water molecule to other leading to grothus type conductance.
(c) The given statement and its explanation are correct.
(c) The given statement and its explanation are correct.
Q6. Statement 1: Frenkel defects are found in silver halides.
Statement 2: Frenkel defects are commonly found in ionic solids.
Statement 2: Frenkel defects are commonly found in ionic solids.
(b) Frenkel defect are commonly found in silver halide Agx. Because Ag^+ion is small in size due to this reason, it changes its position to crystal lattice to interstitial position.
(b) Frenkel defect are commonly found in silver halide Agx. Because Ag^+ion is small in size due to this reason, it changes its position to crystal lattice to interstitial position.
Q7.Statement 1: In any ionic solid (MX) with Schottky defects, number of positive and negative ions are same.
Statement 2: Equal number of cation and anion vacancies are present.
Statement 2: Equal number of cation and anion vacancies are present.
(c) Explanation is correct reason for statement
(c) Explanation is correct reason for statement
Q8.Statement 1: Space or crystal lattice have symmetry of the arrangement of points.
Statement 2: nλ=2dSin θ; is known as Bragg’s equation. .
Statement 2: nλ=2dSin θ; is known as Bragg’s equation. .
(b) Space or crystal lattice is a regular repeating arrangement of point in space and from the basis forms the basis of classification of all structures
(b) Space or crystal lattice is a regular repeating arrangement of point in space and from the basis forms the basis of classification of all structures
Q9.Statement 1: Initially term pseudo solid was given for solids which were easily distorted by bending and compressing forces. They even tend to flow slowly under of own weight and lose shape.
Statement 2: These characteristics are shown by pseudo solids as in pinch. Glass and thus the name pseudo solid was replaced by super cooled liquids.
Statement 2: These characteristics are shown by pseudo solids as in pinch. Glass and thus the name pseudo solid was replaced by super cooled liquids.
(d) Both are facts.
(d) Both are facts.
Q10.Statement 1: In hexagonal close packing voids are between three touching spheres whose centres lie at the corners of an equilateral triangle.
Statement 2: In hexagonal close packing voids are called square voids.
(a) In hexagonal close packing voids are triangular voids.
(a) In hexagonal close packing voids are triangular voids.