Know All About The Class 10th Bihar Board Exams
Bihar Board exam, conducted by Bihar School Education Board (BSEB), is appeared by those from government-run schools in Bihar. The same board conducts the board exams Class X and Class XII students.
In the world, there is no goal that is impossible as far as attainment is concerned. It is just that the students need to give their best for the examinations. There is also a cash prize that has been set for the top three candidates for Class X examinations.
The bounty starts from Rs 50,000 and goes up to Rs 1 lakh. That apart, the top three students will get a laptop besides supporting stationery. This is a major step that the government has taken to incentivize supreme academic performance.
The prize money given to the students can help them in pursuing higher education. Board examinations are a very crucial stage for the candidates and they put in their complete dedication for securing higher marks
Many candidates prepare by themselves but the others take the help of coaching institutes to get the best coaching for the examinations. There are over thousands of students appearing in the Class X exams under Bihar Board.
By working hard for the goal which the students have set for themselves, they can achieve and earn prestige for their families. Class X board exams are important for the future of the students as by the percentage of marks they secure they will be able to choose the stream for Class XI and Class XII.
To be able to choose the science stream, a higher percentage is required. The same goes with Commerce and Humanities stream. Getting the choice of stream in school is quite important for a student as their career will depend on the same.
Therefore, the students must take Class X examinations very seriously and without wasting much time should study hard for it.
Important Points For Bihar Board

This annual examination is a key decision-maker for the students as their future gets decided through it.
Bihar board result is likely to be declared in April and students get really into a frenzy in those days. The exam is conducted for 3 hours and 15 minutes; it is mandatory for the students finish writing in the prescribed duration.
Timetable can be downloaded from the official website of Bihar Board. There are over 1,000 test centers under the Bihar Board. The board examination is conducted in two shifts: 9.30am to 12.45pm and 1.45pm to 5pm.
Theory exams apart, the students have to appear in the practical exams as well. They were conducted in January. Compartment in the exams are scheduled for May.
Keeping all the important points for the exam in mind the students may excel in the exam. The students should make a point that they don't miss any important date of the exam as that may reflect in their results.
Time Table For Bihar Board
CLEAR EXAM presents the time table that must be noted by the board examinees as it is the most important date for the examination. By referring to the time table the students get to know the exam dates along with the subjects are given.
It is vital for the students to know the dates otherwise they would be clueless when the examinations would occur. The Class X Bihar board exams commence from the month of February. In April, the Bihar board 10th result is likely to be declared.
For the Bihar Board examination, a total of 6 subjects are to be prepared and there is one optional subject that the students can choose. There is a reason why the date sheet is very important for the students to know because only on the basis of the date sheet the students can plan the exams.
To score a high percentage in the bihar board exams, each candidate needs to score high marks in every subject that will cumulatively form the overall percentage. In many cases, it has been noticed that the students score good marks in most of the subjects but bad marks in one or two papers dampen their overall percentage.
Looking at the exam time table the students get to know how much time they have left for the exam preparation and what measures they must take to make their preparation better than the other students.
Dates | Exams |
Feb 17 , | Science | Mode: Offline |
Feb 18, | Mathematics | Mode: Offline |
Feb 19, | Social science | Mode: Offline |
Feb 20, | English (general) | Mode: Offline |
Feb 21, | Mother tongue (Hindi/ Urdu/ Bangla/Maithili) | Mode: Offline |
Feb 22, | Second language (Sanskrit/ Arabic/ Persian/ Bhojpuri) | Mode: Offline |
Feb 24, | Elective subjects (Mathematics/ Economics/ Commerce/ Sanskrit/ Maithili/ Persian/ Arabic) | Mode: Offline |
Eligibility for Bihar Board
Matric exams of Bihar Board are going to be held in February and the students are preparing for the exam in full swing. Mostly the students worry about the eligibility criteria for the examination as it is a very important exam of their lives.
On the Bihar board official website, the students should refer to the notices released by the board and from there they can get to know a lot of information about the exam. For all the exam related updates such as the admit card, 10th result bihar board and time table, the website which the students should refer to is biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in.
Students willing to appear in Class X bihar board exams need to complete their registration successfully as sans it the student would not be issued any admit card. Candidates must remain in close coordination with the school authorities for the same.
Application for Bihar Board
Application procedure for Bihar Board was done in July in 2019 itself for the exams to be held in February. School authorities complete the registration process on behalf of the students.
The application process for Bihar Board matric exams can be followed both online and offline; the regular candidates need to pay Rs 150 while those appearing privately have to shell out Rs 200 as the application fees.
For the registration, the students require the user ID, password, school details, student photograph and signature. Candidates have to pay the registration fees at the time of application. Registration does not get processed without the payment.
Syllabus for Bihar Board

Syllabus for Class X exams is an important blueprint for the students. By this, the students get to know the topics that are supposed to be asked in the exams. Every student must have a copy of Bihar board syllabus with them and they should develop their examination strategies accordingly.
There are six subjects for Class X board exams and separate exams are conducted for every subject. With each passing year, there are certain amendments that are made in Bihar board 10th syllabus and the students must use the latest syllabus while preparing for the exams.
On the official website of the board, the students can find the syllabus and they can download it. Candidates are advised to complete every topic mentioned in the syllabus for the exams if they want to score well in the examinations.
Scoring a high percentage in Class X is the aim of many students and they work quite hard for it. By qualifying Class X board exams, the students will be able to choose their stream for their higher education according to their choice.
Following is the syllabus of all the subjects that will come in Class X exams and the students can download the PDF version of the syllabus from the website.
Subjects | Topics |
Science |
Mathematics |
Social Science |
Hindi |
English |
Sanskrit |
Other Languages | Urdu |
Arabic | Maithili |
Persian | Bengali |
The candidates can find below the syllabus for mathematics subject for Class X board exams.
Name of the Unit | Topics | Marks |
Real Numbers |
10 Marks |
Polynomials |
20 Marks |
Linear Equations |
Quadratic Equations |
Arithmetic Progression |
Coordinate Geometry |
10 Marks |
Introduction to Trigonometry |
20 Marks |
Some Applications of Trigonometry |
Triangles |
30 Marks |
Circles |
Construction |
Areas Related to Circles |
Surface Areas and Volumes |
Statistics |
10 Marks |
Probability |
Following is the syllabus for the science subject and the students get the marks based on three tests which are Theory, Practical and Internal Assessment in which the theory paper is of 60 marks,
practicals are of 20 marks and the internal assessment is of 20 marks.
Unit Number | Unit Name | Marks |
I | Chemical Compounds | 25 |
II | The Living World | 20 |
III | Electricity and its effects | 18 |
IV | Light and Communication | 12 |
V | Natural Resources | 10 |
Total Marks | 85 |
Following is the syllabus for social science subject for Class X board examinations for the reference of the students.
Unit | Topics | Marks |
History |
25 Marks |
Civics |
25 Marks |
Geography |
25 Marks |
Economics |
22 Marks |
Disaster Management |
6 Marks |
Total | 100 Marks |
Below is the syllabus for the english subject that the students must make note of and prepare for the exams accordingly.
Units | Topics | Marks |
English Prose |
20 Marks |
Grammar |
15 Marks |
Text Book & Supplementary Text books |
50 Marks |
Composition |
15 Marks |
Prepare Well For Bihar Board With These Tips

At this crucial juncture all that the students require is the sweet dose of motivation and Bihar board 10th Preparation Tips that will kickstart their exam preparations. Strategy is the foremost step that is required to achieve a goal which is set and it helps the students to achieve it in a planned way.
The students who don't prepare according to any time table fixed for the exams often face problems at the last minute as some topics of the syllabus remain yet to be completed and then follows night-long study right before the exam leaving the examinee restless and anxious.
NCERT books are the main study materials for the board exams. Students should also practise the questions which are mentioned after every chapter. This situation is not required by the students, especially before the exams as it will increase their mental stress levels.
By preparing well, the students will face the exams with a confident attitude and will surely score high marks. After the students have completed the exam syllabus, they should spend the rest of the days in revision.
Only by revising the topics which they had learned earlier, it will remain fresh in the mind of the students and their understanding of the chapter will also increase. Many times it has been noticed that a certain concept that was not clear to the students earlier got clarity after revision.
Students should focus on solving mock tests and making sure that they increase their scores as they gradually solve more and more test papers. Eating healthy should be the top priority of the students in the exam time. Only a healthy body hosts a sound mind. Remember!
Taking short breaks while studying and making sure that they exercise on a daily basis will help them take care of themselves. The exams are very crucial for the students and taking care of themselves is their own responsibility.
Practising sample papers makes the students understand the exam pattern thereby increasing the speed of solving questions.
Time management is what the students should learn during the preparation as the students have to answer the questions on the exam day timely. Before the exams, the candidates should just try to relax their mind and practise meditation for the exams.
Examination Pattern For Bihar Board
It is vital that the students understand the Bihar board 10th Exam Pattern well because they should know how the questions are to be asked in Class X Bihar Board exams. The only way the students can gauge the exam pattern is by practising a lot of mock tests and other sample papers.
Board exams are very crucial examinations for the students as they are the deciding factors as far as the future of the students is concerned. In a student’s life, education plays a very important role in shaping up the career.
The difficulty level of the exam can only be known by practicing the previous year question papers and the students can easily find these papers in online and offline modes. The exam pattern of the Bihar board exams is that half of the questions are of objective type carrying one mark each.
To answer the objective type questions, the students have to fill in their answers in the OMR sheet and for that they need to encircle the option which they think is the correct answer.
Subject name | Unit/Section- Marks | Total |
Mathematics |
100 |
Social Science |
100 |
English |
100 |
Sanskrit |
100 |
Hindi |
100 |
Mock Test For Bihar Board
For scoring a high percentage in the Bihar Board for Class X, the students should practice a lot of mock test papers. It is a key element in the preparation journey of a student that they work on the sample papers that make the candidates understand the exam pattern and also the practise of the questions from the syllabus.
There are many factors that conspire for the perfect preparation of the students. It includes practise of mock test papers. If the students practise the mock tests along with the speculated time of the exam then the speed of the test takers is bound to increase. Practising time management skills is very important for the students and this can be only done by solving mock test papers.
Admit Card For Bihar Board
Only the students with a valid admit card are allowed an entry in the exam centre. It is very important for the students that they preserve their Class X board exam admit cards as it is the only proof of identification of the candidate through which they would be allowed to take the exam.
Bihar Board releases the admit card in January. When the students visit the official website of the board, there will be a link through which the admit card can be downloaded.
After the candidates download the admit card, they have to take out two coloured copies of the admit card and bring it with them to every board exam. To make sure that all the hard work the students have done does not go in vain, the students must bring the admit card to the test center. The schools give admit cards to the regular students and the private students have to download their Bihar board 10th Admit Card from the official website.
Result For Bihar Board

The students with high expectations wait for the Bihar board 10th result date of CLass X board exams and the results are scheduled to be released in April. In one result, the students will get to know if they earned the fruits of hard work or not. To check the Bihar board matric result, students need to visit the official website of Bihar Board and click on the link of the result.
If clicked, the result link requires the students to enter the details including full name and board exam roll number to open the Bihar board result Class 10th. The students should make sure that they enter the correct details on the result portal.
It has been seen that due to heavy traffic on the website, the students face difficulty in logging in to the website. Students are suggested to wait until the congestion is handled by the webmaster concerned.
As Bihar board result high school loads, students will be able to see their personal details and the marks that they have obtained in each subject and in the theory and practical exams of that particular subject. Also, on the result card the division scored and the aggregate marks secured by the candidate are mentioned.
The students should make sure that they download a copy of the result for future reference. Candidates will get hardcopy of the results from the school.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When do the results of the Bihar Board Exams are published?
A: The results for Class X Bihar board exams are published in April and the students need to enter their roll number to open the result.
Q: Can we get to know the total exam duration for Class X Bihar Board exams?
A: The total duration of the exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Q: From where to download the timetable for Bihar board exams?
A: The students should visit the official website of the board: biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in to download the timetable.
Q: How to take the printout of the results of Class X Bihar board exams?
A: When the students view the result, there is an option of printing out the result.