Step Up Your Prep For GSEB SSC with CLEAR EXAM

Commencement of the board exams runs a chill down the spine of the students because of the importance of Class X board exams. The future of the candidates depends purely on the percentage that they score in Class X as accordingly the streams will be allocated to them for Class XI and XII.
Date sheet of the examination would be released by the board and the students will be able to view them in the online mode only. The students who are currently studying in the schools that are affiliated to Gujarat State Board have to give the GSEB SSC when they are in Class X.
The Class X board exams are conducted by Gujarat Secondary and Higher Education Board (GSEB). The board examinations would be starting from March 5 to March 17 and the students must start their preparations early to ace the examinations.
Only the students who have passed their Class IX from the schools that come under gujarat board can successfully give the GSEB SSC. It is very important that the students check the eligibility criteria for the exams before filling the application form as without fulfilling the eligibility criteria for the exams, any candidate would not be allowed to appear for the examination.
GSEB SSC result will be declared in May. Taking all the points into consideration, the students must complete the application process and provide all the relevant details with the form to get the form accepted by the board.
The issuance of the admit card will only be done to the students who have completed the application process and the other candidates who have failed to do the same would be debarred from giving the exam. This annual examination gets over lakhs of applicants every year. For a bright future and for a freedom to choose the course stream the students should take the Class X examinations very seriously and they must prepare for it with utmost dedication.
Full Exam Name | Gujarat Board Secondary School Certificate Examination |
Short Exam Name | GSEB SSC |
Conducting Body | Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board |
Frequency of Conduct | Once a year |
Exam Level | Matriculate |
Languages | English, Gujarati +5 More |
Mode of Application | Offline |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Exam Duration | 3 Hours |
Admit Card | February |
Result | May |
Important Dates For GSEB SSC
Dates for the GSEB SSC are given in the table below which the students must make a note of it as if the student misses any of these dates then it would become quite problematic for the students. Exams date sheets are provided to the students by the board quiet before the commencement of exams.
GSEB SSC will be starting from March 05 and preparing according to the date sheet is vital for the students because then only they will be able to know the sequence of the exams. Many times happen with the students that they become careless in their attitude and they forget which exam they have to give.
They reach the exam centre and then they come to know that they had prepared for the wrong exam. This is a horrendous mistake that should not be made by the students as through this the students will sure shot not perform well in the exams.
Religiously remembering the date sheet will help the students to plan the exams well and then they will be able to achieve the goal that they have set in their mind. Major prominence the students must give to the subjects such as Science, Mathematics and Social Science. Candidates have to make sure that they plan their exams well as it is the key to unlock their potential.
Dates | Exam |
March 05 | First language - Gujarati/Hindi/Marathi/English/Urdu/Sindhi/Tamil/Telugu/Odia | Mode: Offline |
March 07 | Science & technology | Mode: Offline |
March 11 | Mathematics | Mode: Offline |
March 13 | Social science | Mode: Offline |
March 14 | Gujarati (Second language) | Mode: Offline |
March 16 | English (Second language) | Mode: Offline |
March 17 | Second language - Hindi/Sindhi/Sanskrit/Farsi/Arabic/Urdu | Mode: Offline |
Eligibility Criteria For GSEB SSC
The protocol for the board exams is very important for the students to follow as without it the students would not be able to appear for the examinations. It is the most important part of the examination process as without clearing this aspect the application of the exams cannot be commenced.
The criteria has been set by the board and it is mandatory that the students follow them as failing to do so will not have fruitful consequences for the students. For appearing in GSEB, the eligibility criteria states that the student should have passed Class IX from any recognized board to appear for GSEB.
Attendance is also a major criteria that is required, therefore the students must clear the minimum attendance cut off prescribed by the board. If the attendance is not optimum then the students would not be allowed to give the exams.
Keeping all the aspects of the eligibility criteria in mind the students have to adhere to the norms and work towards fulfilling them.
Application Forms For GSEB SSC
Filling of the application forms for the exams is mandatory for all the students as it is an easy process to complete. All the documents must be there with the candidate as they have to attach it with the application form.
The payment of the fees has to be made along with the submission of the application form. Allotment of the GSEB SSC 10th Admit Card will only be done to the students who have concluded the application process for the Class X board exams.
The application form will be provided to the students by the board in November 2019. As soon as the forms will be released by the board, the candidates must start filling out the forms and submitting to the school officials. Those candidates who are applying for the exam as private candidates must ensure that they duly fill the application form and submit the form to the board.
Payment of the fees is mandatory for every candidate to be done and if the payment fails then the GSEB SSC 10th Application Form would not be accepted by the board. Issuance of the admit card is only on the basis of the acceptance of the admit card.
Details that are mentioned by the students on the application form should be correct and if any details are found to be false then the application form would get cancelled.
Syllabus For GSEB SSC
To become successful in the exams it is imperative that the students become well versed with the GSEB SSC syllabus. As vast as it might seem to the students but they must always think that through planning they will be able to complete the syllabus in the given time.
The students who don't take the help of planning while completing the syllabus will have a lesser chance to complete it before the exams as they are going forward in an unplanned manner. Through planning a dream can be fulfilled but the necessary action is required with every planning done as without it nothing would be in motion.
Being aligned with the GSEB SSC 10th syllabus is the most important task for the students and through this way only they will be able to complete each and every topic for the exam. The main subjects of GSEB SSC are Mathematics, Science and English
The students should set their target of scoring the highest in all the subjects as it will help them to fetch a high percentage in GSEB SSC. The medium of GSEB SSC is both English and Gujarati medium therefore it depends on the candidate that under which medium he wants to give the examination.
The board exams for Class X of Gujarat Board will be commencing from March and the aim of the students should be to complete the syllabus at least 2 weeks before the starting of the exam or else they will have trouble completing it.
The stress and anxiety levels of the students tend to increase as the exams start to approach.
Syllabus For Mathematics
Chapter 1: Number Systems |
Chapter 2:Algebra | 1.Polynomials.
2. Pair of linear equations in two variables.
3. Quadratic Equations
Chapter 3Trigonometry | 1. Introduction a. Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle of a right-angled triangle. b. Proof of their existence (well defined); motivate the ratios, whichever are defined at 0o & 90o. c. Values (with proofs) of the trigonometric ratios of 30o, 45o & 60o. Relationships between the ratios. 2. Trigonometric Identities. Proof and applications of the identity sin2 A + cos2A = 1. Only simple identities will be given. Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles. 3. Heights and Distances a. Simple and believable problems on heights and distances. b. Problems should not involve more than two right triangles. c. Angles of elevation and depression should be only 300, 450, 600. |
Chapter 4:Coordinate Geometry | 1. Lines (In two-dimensions) a. Review the concepts of coordinate geometry done earlier including graphs of linear equations. b. Awareness of the geometrical representation of quadratic polynomials. c. The distance between two points and section formula. d. Area of a triangle. Basic questions will be given. |
Chapter 5:Geometry | 1. Triangles Prove,
Chapter 6:Mensuration | 1. Areas related to circles. a. Motivate the area of a circle; area of sectors and segments of a circle. b. Problems based on areas and perimeter and circumference of the above-said plane figures. (In calculating the area of a segment of a circle, problems should be restricted to the central angle of 60o, 90o & 120o only. c. Plane figures involving triangles, simple quadrilaterals and circles should be taken. 2. Surface area and volume. (i) Problems with finding surface areas and volumes of combinations of any two of the following: cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinders/cones. Frustum of a cone. (ii) Problems involving converting one type of metallic solid into another and other mixed problems. (Problems with the combination of not more than two different solids be taken.) |
Chapter 7:Statistics And Probability | 1. Statistics Mean, median and mode of grouped data (a bimodal situation to be avoided). Cumulative frequency graph. 2. Probability A classical definition of probability. Connection with probability as given in Class IX. Simple problems on single events, not using set notation. |
Syllabus For Science
Unit1: Chemical Substances - Nature and Behaviour | Acids, bases and salts : Their definitions in terms of furnishing of H+ and OH— ions, General properties, examples and uses, concept of pH scale (Definition relating to logarithm not required), importance of pH in everyday life; preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, Bleaching powder, Baking soda, washing soda and Plaster of Paris. Chemical reactions : Chemical Equation, Balanced chemical equation, Implications of a balanced Chemical equation, Types of chemical reactions : combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction. Metals and non-metals: Properties of Metals and Non-metals, reactivity series, Formation and properties of ionic compounds, Basic Metallurgical processes, corrosion and its prevention. Carbon Compounds: Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon, Homologous series Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing, Functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes and alkynes), the difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons, Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uses), soaps and detergents. Periodic classification of elements : Need for classification, Modern Periodic table, Gradation in Properties. Valency, Atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties. |
Unit 2: World of Living | Life Processes: "living being"; Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals. Control and Coordination in animals and plants: Tropic movements in plants; Introduction to plant hormones; control and coordination in animals: the nervous system; voluntary, involuntary and reflex action, chemical coordination: animal hormones. Reproduction: Reproduction in animal and plants (asexual and sexual). Reproductive health-need for and methods of family planning. Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Childbearing and women's health. Heredity and evolution: Heredity; Model's contribution- Rules for the inheritance of traits; Sex determination: brief introduction; Basic concepts of evolution. |
Unit3: Effects of Current | Electric current, potential difference and electric current. Ohm's law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Series combination of resistors, a parallel combination of resistors and its applications in daily life; Heating effect of Electric current and its applications in daily life. Electric Power, Interrelation between P, V, I and R. Magnetic effects of current: Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying conductor, field due to current carrying coil or solenoid; Force on current carrying conductor, Fleming's left-hand rule. Electromagnetic induction. The induced potential difference, Induced current, Fleming's Right-Hand Rule, Direct current. Alternating current; frequency of AC. An advantage of AC over DC. Domestic electric circuits. |
Unit 4: Light | Reflection of light at curved surfaces, Images formed by spherical mirrors, centre of curvature, principal axis, principal focus, focal length. Mirror Formula (Derivation not required), Magnification. Refraction; laws of refraction, refractive index.Refraction of light by a spherical lens, Image formed by spherical lenses, Lens formula (Derivation not required), Magnification. Power of a lens; The functioning of a lens in the human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses.Refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, applications in daily life. |
Unit 5: Management of natural resources | Management of natural resources. Conservation and judicious use of natural resources. Forest and wildlife, coal and petroleum conservation. Examples of People's participation in the conservation of natural resources.The Regional environment: Big dams: advantages and limitations; alternatives if any. Water harvesting. Sustainability of natural resources. Sources of energy: Different forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of energy: fossil fuels, solar energy; biogas; wind, water and tidal energy; nuclear. Renewable versus non-renewable sources. Our Environment: Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable, substances. |
Syllabus For English
Reading | Questions 1 and 2 two unseen passages of total 500 words with a variety of questions including 4 marks for vocabulary. Only prose passages will be used. One will be factual and the other will be literary. Passage 1 - 200 words - Four or five comprehension questions 8 marks Passage 2 - 300 words -Four or five comprehension questions and two questions on vocabulary. Marks for vocabulary will not exceed 4 marks. 12 marks |
Writing | 1. Letter Writing - One letter based on provided verbal stimulus and context. Type of letter : Informal: Personal such as to family and friends. Formal: Letter of complaints, enquiries, requests, applications 2. Writing a short paragraph on a given outline/topic in about 60 words 3. Composition: A short writing task based on a verbal and/or visual stimulus. (diagram, picture, graph, map, chart, table, flowchart etc.) Maximum words 80 |
Grammar | A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context. Test types used will include cloze, gap-filling, sentence-completion, sentence-reordering, dialogue-completion and sentence-transformation (including combining sentences). The Grammar syllabus will include the following areas for teaching: 1. Use of non-finite. 2. Sentence connectors: as, since, while, then, just because, just, until. 3. Clauses with what, where and how. 4. Past Tense. 5. Modals: can, could, may, must, might. Note: All other areas covered in Class IX will also be tested in Class X as this is an integrated course for this area of learning. |
Text Books | First Flight - NCERT Textbook for Class X Prose 20 Marks 1. Two extracts from different prose lessons included in Textbook (Approximately 100 words each) These extracts chosen from different lessons will be literary and discursive in nature. Each extract will be of 5 marks. One mark in each extract will be for vocabulary. 4 marks in each passage will be used for testing local and global comprehension besides a question on interpretation. 2. One out of two questions extrapolative in nature based on any one of the prose lessons from Textbook to be answered in about 80 words. 3. One out of two questions on Drama Text (local and global comprehension question) (30-40 words) Poetry 1. One extract from a poem from the prescribed reader followed by two or three questions to test the local and global comprehension of the set text. 2. Two out of three short answer type questions on interpretation of themes and ideas contained in the poems to be answered in 30-40 words each. Footprints without Feet - NCERT Supplementary Reader for Class X 3. One out of two questions from Supplementary Reader to interpret, evaluate and analyze character, plot or situations occurring in the lessons to be answered in about 100 words. 4. One out of two short answer type questions of interpretive and evaluative nature based on lessons to be answered in 30-40 words 5. One out of two short answer type questions based on factual aspects of the lessons to be answered in 20-30 words. |
Preparation Tips For GSEB SSC
CLEAR EXAM presents board exam GSEB SSC 10th Preparation Tips that will enhance the exam preparation of the students. The tension that the students get for the board exams is different than the one they would get for any other examination as the relevance of the marks obtained in these exams are very pivotal.
GSEB SSC is conducted in March, but the preparations for the exam begin a year earlier as there are a vast number of topics that are required to be completed. If the students start preparing for the exams earlier then it would be better for them as through this they would have ample time to complete the syllabus otherwise the students will have to study everything in a rush.
It is important that the students have a clarity of the concepts that they are learning. Moving forward with the exam preparations will be more fruitful for the candidates as they can achieve more through this way. Whenever the need arises, it is important that the students refer to their teachers to solve the doubts that they have.
Asking doubts is also very important because it has been seen that the students who ask doubts are trying to understand the text, rather than just cramming it. Self developed exam time table makes the whole syllabus divided into small sections that can be learned by the student in that particular time duration.
Planning is a very important step that will take the students a long way in the preparation journey and they will not miss out on the important points. Often it has been seen that the students who don't study according to an exam time table don't know what they require to complete in the syllabus and they study aimlessly
If a candidate is not able to prepare an exam time table all by himself then he can seek guidance from their parents or teachers. The subjects that the student finds difficult to study should be dealt with first as then the students will be able to devote the majority of time to the difficult topics and finish them first.
The rest of the time can be devoted to the easy topics as they can be finished easily. The overwhelming feeling that the students get during or before the board exams can be eradicated through meditation as it will help them to relax.
By following the above mentioned tips and strategies the students can achieve a lot more in a short span of time.
Exam Pattern For GSEB SSC
The exam pattern has been set by the board for GSEB SSC and the students have to follow it in order to understand the marking scheme and the type of questions that will be asked in the exams.
Understanding the GSEB SSC 10th Exam Pattern is something that is neglected by the students but is very important to know before the commencement of the exams.
The pass percentage that has been set by the board is 33% and this is the minimum marks that the students are required to score in each subject to be declared as passed in that subject. The board exam would be held for 3 hours and within this time duration it is required that the students complete their exam.
By practising the mock test papers the students will be able to understand the exam pattern well. The students who understand the exam pattern will not be new to the pattern that they see on the day of the test and will be able to perform better than the ones who did not pay heed to understand the exam pattern.
Mock Test For GSEB SSC
Solving mock tests are a vital part of exam preparation and this cannot be ignored by any student. Only by the practise of mock tests, the candidate can come to know where they stand and how many more marks are required by them to achieve their dream score in the exams.
The main aim of the students should be to complete the syllabus as soon as possible and use the leftover time to practise as many mock tests that they can before the exam because this practise will be more beneficial to the students rather than solving the question banks.
The mock tests are designed in the same pattern as the real test and therefore by solving them the students will come to know about their performance before the test so that they understand in which aspects that they need to improve. On the GSEB SSC official website of the board the students will be able to find previous year question papers for practise and they can also understand the weightage that has been given to each topic through it.
Admit Card For GSEB SSC
The admit card is the most important identification document that is required in GSEB SSC as without it any candidate would not be granted permission to even enter the exam hall and will be debarred to give the examination. Issued by the board itself, this admit card holds high importance.
On the admit card there are details mentioned about the candidate such as the personal information, school details, center details, list of subjects that the candidate will be giving the exam of, photo and signature of the candidate.
All the students must make sure that the correct details are mentioned on the admit card and if there are any discrepancies then they must be reported immediately to the board. In February, the Gujarat Board will be publishing the admit card online for the students to download.
The regular students will be able to collect the hard copy of the admit card from their respective schools but the private candidates will have to download their admit cards online and then take a print out of them. The print out of the admit card must be clear as their photograph and signature will be verified.
To avoid any fraud entry into the exam hall, the admit card is taken as proof of identity and it is mandatory for every student to bring it along with them to the exam hall.
GSEB SSC Matric Result
The aftermath of the exams are quite a crucial phase for the students as they get to know about how they have performed in the exams. The much awaited GSEB SSC 10th result will be published by the board and the students will be able to check the results online.
On the official website, results will be declared and by entering the login credentials of the students they would be able to view and download the 10th result GSEB SSC. The tentative date of the results is in the third week of May.
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar (GSEB) is the official body that releases the results and if any student has any doubts regarding the result then they must raise their concerns to the board.
There is no specific GSEB SSC 10th result date when the results would get released therefore the students will have to keep checking the website on the day of the test to check whether the result has been released or not.
The credentials that the students require to view the results are their roll number and date of birth. The following is the procedure given to check the GSEB SSC 10th result.
Click on the GSEB SSC result link on the official website |
Enter roll number. The result will be displayed |
Download and take a printout of the result |
Keep it safe for future references |
The below mentioned table denotes the cutoff of GSEB SSC for all categories in 2019
Year | Category | Cutoff |
2019 | General | 33 |
OBC | 33 | |
SC | 33 | |
ST | 33 |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the GSEB SSC results be declared?
A: In the third week of May, the results of GSEB SSC will be declared.
Q: From where can we download the time table for GSEB SSC?
A: The students are required to visit to download the time table of GSEB SSC.
Q:How to download the hall ticket for GSEB SSC?
A: The students have to visit the official website to download the admit card for GSEB SSC.
Q:Who will allot the exam centre for GSEB SSC?
A: The board will be allocating the exam centre for the board exams and the students have to report to that exam centre only to appear for the exams.