IIT JEE Mains Admit Card will be released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in online platform. JEE Mains admit card will be made available on the official site at jeemain.nta.nic.in about 2 weeks before the exam date. Candidates will be asked to enter the application number and date of birth to login to download the IIT JEE Main Admit Card. JEE Main admit card will include details such as exam schedule, personal details, JEE Main exam centre and so on. All candidates are requested to check for discrepancies in the data mentioned in IIT JEE Main Admit Card. In case of any errors, contact the appropriate authority. IIT JEE Main will be held in February and May. Candidates are required to safeguard their IIT JEE Mains Admit Card till the day of admission. To learn more details about IIT JEE Main Admit Card, go through the entire article.
IIT JEE Mains Admit Card Release Date - February (Tentative – 15 days before test)
Issuing Authority - National Testing Agency
Download website link - jeemain.nta.nic.in
Required details for login - JEE Mains application number and Date of birth of the candidate
Important Details Mentioned -
- Roll Number
- Venue of the examination
- Date and time of examination
Documents to be carried at test centre –
- IIT JEE Main admit card
- The same Passport sized coloured photograph printed on the admit card
- Valid original photo ID proof
JEE Main Exam Date - February and May
Compatible browsers for accessing the download page –
- Internet explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
JEE Main February exam important dates
- Availability of Application form - December
- Availability of IIT JEE Main Admit Card – January/February (15 days prior to the exam)
- JEE Main Exam date – TBA February
Find out IIT JEE Latest News and Notifications such as IIT JEE Admit card, Download link and steps, etc.
NTA has released the number of total registered candidates for JEE Main exam conducted in April and September. Here are the details
Total applications for JEE Main April and September - 8,58,273
Total registrations for B.E and B.Tech exam - 7,46,115
Total registrations for B.Arch - 13,609
Total registrations for B.Planning - 699
Total registrations for B.Tech and BArch - 53,520
Total registrations for B.Tech and B.Planning - 5,580
Total registrations for B.Arch and B.Planning - 2,777
Total registrations for B.Tech/B.Arch/B.Planning - 35,973
IIT JEE Main admit card is available on the official site. Steps to follow to download admit card is beneath:
- Visit the official site of JEE Main - jeemain.nta.nic.in
- Click on the login tab
- Enter the application no., date of birth and the security pin shown.
- After entering the above-mentioned details, your admit card will be shown
- Download, save a copy and print out a copy as well.
IIT JEE Main Admit Card will have the accompanying data:
- Candidate's name
- Application no.
- Roll no.
- Father's name
- Course name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Category
- State of qualification
- Applicant's photo
- PwD Status
- Test city and code of the center
- Date and timings of the examination
- Paper no. (Paper-I / Paper-II / Paper-III)
- Signature of the applicant and parent/guardian
- Important guidelines
IIT JEE Mains admit card may contain a few mistakes or errors. These could relate to the applicants' very own data or data identified with test venues. Nonetheless, to avoid any mistake in the admit card understudies should check the accompanying data cautiously:
- Name
- Paper No.
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Test venue name
- City
- State code of qualification
- Category
- Reporting and gate closing time
Revealing disparities in JEE Main admit card is essential for the accompanying reasons:
- Candidates won't have the option to take the test on the off chance that they have not detailed these
- NTA won't have the option to make any rectifications in the records later
In case of any error in the data in IIT JEE Mains Admit Card, Applicants are requested to immediately mail to jeemain-nta@gov.in
- A duplicate IIT JEE Mains Admit Card will not be issued for the applicant by the national testing agency.
- To be safe keep copies of the JEE Main admit card in your mail.
- Take multiple printouts of IIT JEE Main admit card for later use.
- Those candidates with incomplete application form will not be issued with an admit card.
IIT JEE Mains Preparation tips
IIT JEE Mains Mock Test is an extensive Test including Questions from Physics, Chemistry and Maths. This test will assist you with getting a thought regarding the sort of inquiries that will be posed, the test example and stamping plan. In the wake of stepping through the examination, you can quickly check your score. You can likewise download the Question Paper alongside answers and their clarifications.
JEE Main Admit Card - Steps to Retrieve forgotten Application Number
In the event that an applicant fails to remember his/her application number, at that point he/she can allude to beneath steps to recover the application number
- Go to the authority NTA JEE Main site jeemain.nta.nic.in
- Click on the link of JEE Main test admit card
- Go to the Failed to remember Application Number link
- Enter name, date of birth, mother's name, father's name, date of birth, condition of qualification and security pin.
- Candidates will get the application number on their enrolled email address and number.
JEE Admit Card - Steps to Retrieve Forgotten Password
On the off chance that, the password has been failed to remembered by the candidate, at that point the accompanying steps can be followed:
- Visit the authority JEE Main site jeemain.nta.nic.in
- Click on the NTA JEE test admit card interface
- Select the 'Failed to remember Password' interface
- Answer the security question that was chosen before while filling the structures.
- Candidates will get a confirmation code/reset connect on their enrolled number
- A password can be set by the candidate.
Things to carry alongside IIT JEE Mains Admit Card
Other than JEE Main admit card, candidates are required to carry the below mentioned to the exam hall:
Necessary archives: One identification size photo (same as transferred on the online JEE Main application structure) must be stuck on the particular space in the participation sheet at Center during JEE Main assessment and PwD endorsement gave by the Competent Authority if asserting the unwinding under PwD class
Any of the approved picture IDs (must be unique, legitimate and non-lapsed) –
- PAN card
- Driving permit
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Aadhaar Card (with the photo)
- Aadhaar enrolment number/Ration card
Unique arrangement for diabetic candidates
The authority permits eatables and beverages including water bottles inside the test community for diabetic patients. The concessions are given to diabetic applicants remembering their medical issue. Diabetic candidates must carry the accompanying things inside the assessment corridor:
- Fruits
- Sugar tablets
- Transparent water bottle
Note: Candidates won't be permitted to carry bundled nourishments, for example, chips/chocolate/sandwich and so on.
Test day guidelines referenced in IIT JEE Main Admit Card
- JEE Main competitor won't be permitted to carry pen/pencil in the test corridor
- Pen/Pencil and clear paper sheets for unpleasant work will be given in the diagnostic room
- Candidates must compose their name and move number at the highest point of the sheet and return the sheets and admit card to the Invigilator, prior to leaving the assessment lobby
- Diabetic understudies will be permitted to convey eatables like sugar tablets/foods grown from the ground water container to the assessment lobby/room. Be that as it may, they won't be permitted to convey stuffed nourishments like chocolates/sweets/sandwich and so forth
- Candidates should sit on the seat assigned to them
- Candidates will be permitted to show up at the assigned setting of test as it were
- Wearing a watch inside the test corridor isn't permitted.
- No candidate will be permitted to enter the test place once the test begins
- Candidates without an admit card won't be permitted to show up for the test
- Leaving test corridor before conclusion/end of the test isn't allowed
- Request for change in IIT JEE Main Admit Card test communities won't be engaged
Things not allowed inside JEE Main exam hall
- Pencil/Geometry Box or some other writing material
- Handbag
- Purse
- Any sort of paper or written word
- Eatables and Water (free or pressed)
- Electronic things and instruments, for example, Mobile Phone, Ear Phone, Microphone, Pager, Calculator
- Instruments, for example, Pen, Slide Ruler, Log Tables, Camera, Tape Recorder
- Any kind of watch incorporating electronic watches with a mini-computer, any metallic thing or electronic contraptions/gadgets in the assessment lobby/room.
Before appearing for the JEE Main exam, candidates should know the pattern to be followed in the examination. JEE Main exam pattern provides for the mode in which the examination is to be conducted, total number of questions asked, nature of questions, etc. Thus, refer to the table below for understanding the exam pattern:
- Mode of Exam - Online examination computer based
Examination duration - 3 hours (4 hours for candidates with benchmark disabilities)
Subjects - Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
Total number of questions - 75 (25 questions for each subject)
Type of Questions –
- 20 Objective (having 4 options with 1 correct option)
- 5 Numerical questions (answer in numerical value)
Marking Scheme
- +4 for every correct answer
- -1 for every incorrect answer
For answer with numeric value –
- 4 Marks will be awarded for every correct answer
- 0 Mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer
Maximum Marks - 300
Medium of paper –
- English
- Hindi
- Candidates from Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli have the option to opt for Gujarati also.