IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024(April):
How to Score 200+ in JEE Main
With the notification for IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024(April) out, there is a frenzy amidst the students to start much-awaited IIT JEE Main preparation. The JEE Main Preparation 2024 (April) is being conducted by the National Testing Agency on April 5, April 7, April 8, April 9 and April 11. At the eleventh hour, it is essential that the students get all the information on “How to prepare for IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024”. CLEAR EXAM has taken up the baton to give the students the pointers regarding IIT JEE Main preparation.
IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024 (April) is conducted online by National Testing Agency (NTA). If sources are to be believed, there is a huge apprehension amongst the students regarding the April session of the exam. Since the January session was quoted to range from easy to moderate on the difficulty level, there are plenty of predictions regarding the April session of the IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024 making rounds. The truth will see light only on the exam day.
CLEAR EXAM advises all students to put their noses to grind and start JEE Main exam preparation at the earliest. So here we are, telling you the nitty-gritties of the IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024 and how to overcome the hurdles on the way of conquest.
We have prepared for you a flowchart to help you understand IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024 (April) better.
How to Prepare for IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024
Attain Conceptual Clarity:
IIT JEE Main Preparation is all about conceptual clarity! So if you are amongst those who indulge in rote learning, this exam is essentially not your cuppa. Every aspirant of JEE Main must make sure that his or her concepts are crystal clear. This will be a major booster in JEE Main preparations. If one has command over the concepts, they are destined to have a clear way to make through the exam. The students must ensure that they have a good command over the concepts taught in all the subjects, Physics and Chemistry in particular.
Get Authentic Resources:
NCERTs are the Holy Books if you want to crack IIT JEE Main Preparation 2024 (April). Even if you have to buy reference books, do follow the pointers below:
- Buy only the latest editions of JEE Main preparation books as they comprise of all the concurrent problems in accordance with the latest exam pattern and trend.
- Stick to a single book and keep others just for the sake of reference.
NCERTs apart, the list of books below are a must-haves for all the students.
JEE Main Books Important for Mathematics
- Trigonometry by S L Loney
- Higher Algebra by Hall & Knight
- Maths XI & XII by NCERT
- Coordinate Geometry by S L Loney
- Problems in Calculus of One Variable by IA Maron
JEE Main Books for Physics
- Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
- Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker
- Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by HC Verma
JEE Main Books for Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry by Paula Bruice Yurkanis
- Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
- Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
- Numerical Chemistry by P Bahadur
Get a grip on the Exam Pattern:
Below is the trending exam pattern of JEE Main Paper I:
Subjects | No of Questions | Type of Questions |
Mathematics | 25 (20+5) |
Physics | 25 (20+5) | |
Chemistry | 25 (20+5) |
If we analyse the JEE Main 2024 (January) session, then the following subject-wise trends have been observed.
Analysis of JEE Main 2024 (January): Paper I (Physics)
Topics | Number of Questions |
Optics and Modern Physics | 5-7 |
Electricity and Magnetism | 4-6 |
Current, Electricity and EMI | 5-7 |
Mechanics | 4-6 |
Heat and Thermodynamics | 4-6 |
Analysis of JEE Main 2024 (January): Paper I (Chemistry)
Topics | Number of Questions |
Physical Chemistry | 6-8 |
Inorganic Chemistry | 10-12 |
Organic Chemistry | 8-10 |
Analysis of JEE Main 2024 (January): Paper I (Mathematics)
Topics | Number of Questions |
Trigonometry | 1-2 |
Coordinate Geometry | 6-8 |
Calculus | 8-10 |
Algebra | 10-12 |
Tackle each subject differently:
Here we will list out on how to execute your preparation strategy for individual subjects.
- Physics: As the key here is conceptual clarity, it is very much advised that after completing each topic you solve the related problems then and there. This will help you retain the concepts for a longer period.
- Chemistry: Chemical equations are the thorn of this subject. Practice as many questions as possible to learn the equations in the best possible manner.
- Mathematics: Try to develop shortcuts and algorithms to solve different types of questions by yourself. This is possible only if you practice numerous questions and recognise set patterns to solve them.
Time Management
As there is so little time and so much to study, it is essential that you utilise your time sensibly. Be selective and rigid while you choose your topics of study. Invest time in practicing questions, rather than mugging up the concepts. This is because you will understand the topics only when you practice related numericals.
Create a timetable which can be executed effectively. Adhere to it! Make short-term goals and try to finish the topics within the time you have allotted for them. Allot at least a fortnight for revision of the subjects. Personalise the study schedule and plan according to your personal capability.
Practice as many Mock Tests as you can
Get enrolled in an online mock test series to get a hands on experience regarding the exam. Solve as many mock tests as possible to get the knack of the trending questions and make your strategies to tackle them accordingly. As the tests will hold the same degree of uncertainty as the actual exam, you will be prepared for questions ranging from easy to difficult. Also, the more you participate in the test series, the more prepared you will be for the actual exam.
Get down to Revision
As you are revising, make short notes or flashcards. This will save you from stress when you start your last minute revision. Flashcards help a candidate to go through every topic in a holistic manner in the pivotal moments. Jot down all the important formulae and chemical reactions onto the flashcards. Go through previous year question papers too. This is very vital. Previous year papers will help you get a glimpse of what JEE Main is all about.
What if you are stuck on a particular topic and do not see a way out?
As there is a time crunch for the preparation of this session, it is very essential that you do not waste the precious hours left to count. Start with the basic topics, from where the questions are bound to come. Be thorough in them. Switch onto the difficult topics then. If you are not able to get around a particular topic, then consult a teacher or mentor regarding the same rather than wasting time trying to work it out on your own.
Try not to leave any topic for the last leg as create panic and confusion.
The Way Ahead
Now that you have all the tips for IIT JEE Main preparation 2024 (April), it is very essential that you be in the prime of your health. For this, do not over stress yourself. Take up a hobby and pursue it in your leisure. Eat healthy and get ample sleep. Surround yourself with positive company and be in a positive mood. Keep yourself motivated and do not get anxious about the D-Day. All the best! If anything does not work out the way it should, reach out to us. We’ll be more than happy to help.
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