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JEE Main Result 2021 (OUT): Check NTA Score, Percentile and Topper List

National Testing Agency (NTA) delivered the JEE Mains 2021 on the online mode. You can discover your percentile alongside subject-wise scores of material science, science, and maths on the scorecard alongside the end-product. To show up in JEE progressed it is important to qualify in the JEE Mains. On the off chance that you have showed up for the two meetings of January and April the best of the two scores will be thought of. This scorecard will be utilized in confirmation in various iits, nits, IIIT's, and different foundations. Peruse the article in detail for the total data

How to check JEE Mains 2021 outcome?

  • visit the official site of JEE Mains or NTA to envision your JEE Mains result
  • click the tab 'see result/scorecard'
  • enter your JEE Mains application range, secret word/date of birth and security pin
  • present the ideal subtleties, JEE Mains 2021 outcomes are shown on-line
  • download or print your JEE Mains 2021 scorecards
  • applicants are proposed to guard their scorecards until the affirmation strategy finish up


Things to remain as a top priority when coming into security pin in JEE Mains 2021?

  • security pin appears to be on the login page of JEE Mains
  • it is case delicate along with higher lower-case letters in order and numbers
  • it is self-assertively produced by the site and this is regularly very surprising on each event an up-and-comer revives the login page
  • it is given for the security reasons of the site login
  • if it's demonstrating clear, revive and enter the login papers

Preparing for JEE Mains 2021? Stay updated with JEE Mains 2021 Latest News, Notifications & Important Details.

JEE Mains result 2021: subtleties referenced on book


JEE Mains 2021 outcome and book contains the resulting data:

  • name of the up-and-comer
  • move range
  • date of birth
  • guardians' name
  • state code of qualification
  • class and status
  • subject-wise NTA scores
  • complete NTA scores got inside the underlying attempt

Steps worried in normalization and arrangement of JEE Mains 2021 legitimacy/rank rundown:

Step-1: appropriation of examinees in 2 days and in 2 movements for each day.Competitors are conveyed into four meetings discretionarily all together that each meeting has a generally equivalent scope of applicants. These four meetings are as per the following:

  • meeting 1: day-1 move 1
  • meeting 2: day-1 move 2
  • meeting 3: day-2 move 1
  • meeting 4: day-2 move 2

Stage 2: planning of results for each meeting

JEE Mains 2021 outcomes for each meeting are prepared inside the sort of:

  • crude scores
  • percentiles scores on an individual reason for everything about 3 subjects (science, material science, science) and furthermore the complete score.

Stage 3: aggregation of NTA score and planning of by and large legitimacy/rank rundown

The centile scores for the whole crude score of the multitude of four meetings as determined inside the on top of step are fused and called NTA scores. This would then be able to be utilized for the aggregation of results and planning of by and large JEE Mains 2021 preferred position list/positioning.

If it's not too much trouble note that the centile of every one of the four meetings are determined on an individual premise to see the whole crude score and crude scores in 3 subjects: math, material science, and science.

Aggregation and show of JEE result 2021 for multi-meeting

Aggregation of JEE Mains 2021 outcome for the essential endeavour:

The primary attempt of JEE Mains 2021 can hold in multi-meeting, along these lines, NTA scores are determined venerate the crude imprints made sure about by an understudy in each meeting in sync with the technique on top of. The NTA scores determined for all the meetings are consolidated to announce JEE Mains 2021 outcome. The outcome can involve all the four NTA scores for everything about 3 subjects: number-crunching, material science, and science close by the whole of the essential attempt.

Arrangement of JEE Mains 2021 outcome for the subsequent endeavour:

The equivalent on top of given strategy are followed to arrange JEE Mains results 2021 for the subsequent attempt.

Accumulation of result and readiness of favourable position list/positioning :

The four NTA a great deal of each up-and-comer beginning and second makes an endeavour are consolidated for the arrangement of JEE Mains result and readiness of in general bit of leeway list/positioning. Up-and-comers joined countries organization showed up in each the makes an endeavour, their better of the 2 NTA scores are considered for the planning of favourable position list/rankings

JEE Mains result 2021: tie-breaking goal :

In the event that 2 or a ton of up-and-comers secure equivalent centile scores in JEE Mains 2021 outcome, at that point the positioning is resolved inside the accompanying way:

JEE Mains 2021 extra time for paper 1(btech):

  • NTA score in number-crunching: applicant joined countries office makes sure about a great deal of centile score in science are hierarchal higher
  • NTA score in material science: applicant joined countries office makes sure about a ton of centile score in material science are hierarchal higher
  • NTA score in science: up-and-comer joined countries organization makes sure about a great deal of centile score in science are hierarchal higher
  • date of birth: the more established applicant is hierarchal higher

Note: simply in the event that the tie actually stands uncertain, indistinguishable position is given to the applicants

JEE Mains a couple of 2021 additional time for paper 2 (batch):

  • NTA score in science: up-and-comer joined countries office acquires better grades inside the math are given the following position
  • NTA score in force test: next, in the event that the tie actually continues, at that point applicant with the following score inside the force investigate are doled out the following position
  • NTA score in drawing test: on the off chance that the tie actually continues, at that point hopefuls with higher scores inside the drawing investigate are appointed the following position
  • lesser negative reaction: applicants having lesser scope of negative reactions inside the paper.
  • date of birth: the more seasoned up-and-comer is reviewed higher

JEE Mains 2021 additional time for paper three (arranging):

  • NTA score in science: competitors joined countries organization get better grades inside the number-crunching are given the following position
  • NTA score in force test: in the event that the tie actually endures, at that point competitor with higher scores inside the force investigate are given the following position
  • NTA score in concocting based generally questions: on the off chance that the on top of rules don't break the tie, at that point the applicant can better grades in arranging based inquiries are given the upper position
  • lesser negative reaction: applicants having lesser scope of negative reactions inside the paper.
  • date of birth: the more established up-and-comer is evaluated higher

Schools acceptive JEE Mains 2021 score

Public organizations of innovation (nits)

Name of NIT


Counselling dates

NIT Allahabad (weave)


Yet to be reported

NIT Bhopal (manit)


Yet to be reported

NIT Calicut (nitc)


Yet to be reported

NIT hamirpur (nith)


Yet to be reported

NIT Jaipur (mnit)


Yet to be reported

NIT Jalandhar (nitj)


Yet to be reported

NIT Jamshedpur (nitjsr)


Yet to be declared

NIT Kurukshetra (nitkkr)


Yet to be reported

NIT Nagpur (Vnit)


Yet to be reported

NIT Rourkela (Nitrkl)


Yet to be reported

NIT Nagpur (Vnit)


Yet to be reported

NIT Silchar (Nits)


Yet to be reported

NIT Karnataka (Nitk)


Yet to be reported

NIT Warangal (Nitw)


Yet to be reported

NIT Durgapur (Nitdgp)


Yet to be reported

NIT Srinagar (Nitsri)


Yet to be reported

NIT Surat (Svnit)


Yet to be reported

NIT Trichy (Nitt)


Yet to be reported

NIT Patna (Nitp)


Yet to be reported

NIT Raipur (Nitrr)


Yet to be reported

NIT Agartala (Nita)


Yet to be reported

NIT Arunachal Pradesh (Nitap)


Yet to be reported

NIT Delhi (Nitd)


Yet to be reported

NIT Goa (Nitg)


Yet to be reported

NIT Manipur (Nitmn)


Yet to be reported

NIT Meghalaya (Nitm)


Yet to be reported

NIT Mizoram (Nitmz)


Yet to be reported

NIT Nagaland (Nitn)


Yet to be reported

NIT Sikkim (Nitskm)


Yet to be reported

NIT Uttarakhand (Nituk)


Yet to be reported

NIT Andhra Pradesh (nitanp)


Yet to be reported

Indian establishments of data innovation (iiits)

The Indian Institutes of data innovation the nation over acknowledge JEE Mains score to concede understudies to its different college classes. The different iiits target creating and advancing proficient ability just as gifted labor in the field of data innovation (it). The different iiits are:


Name of IITS






Counselling dates


Pdsm Iiitdm Jabalpur


Yet to be declared

Abv IIIT Gwalior


Yet to be reported

Iiit Allahabad


Yet to be reported

IIIT Dm Kanchipuram


Yet to be reported



Yet to be reported

IIIT Guwahati


Yet to be reported



Yet to be reported

IIIT Sri City


Yet to be reported

IIIT Vadodara


Yet to be reported

IIIT Nagpur


Yet to be reported

IIIT Kalyani


Yet to be reported

IIIT Lucknow


Yet to be reported

IIIT Dharwad


Yet to be reported

 IIIT Bhagalpur


Yet to be reported

 IIIT Kottayam


Yet to be reported

 IIIT Ranchi


Yet to be reported



Yet to be reported

IIIT Surat


Yet to be reported

IIIT Manipur


Yet to be reported

Iiitdm Kurnool


Yet to be reported

IIIT Tiruchirappalli


Yet to be reported

IIIT Sonipat


Yet to be reported

IIIT Agartala


However, to be reported

Midway subsidized specialized establishments (cftis)

Different focal government/state government financed schools and colleges likewise acknowledge JEE Mains score for admission to their designing courses. Rundown of such universities is given beneath:


Rundown of cftis tolerating JEE Mains score      


Counselling dates


Assam University, Silchar

 However, to be reported

 Birla Institute Of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi


However, to be reported

Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar

However, to be reported

Indian Institute Of Carpet Technology, Bhadohi

However, to be reported

Establishment Of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management, Ahmadabad

However, to be reported
Establishment Of Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur  However, to be declared

J.K. Organization Of Applied Physics and Technology, University Of Allahabad

However, to be declared

Mizoram University, Aizawl

 However, to be declared

 Public Institute Of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi

 However, to be declared
 School Of Planning And Architecture, Bhopal  However, to be declared
 School Of Planning And Architecture, New Delhi  However, to be declared
 School Of Planning And Architecture, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh  However, to be declared

Shri Mata Vishnu Devi University, Katra, J and K

However, to be declared

Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur

However, to be declared

Indian Institute Of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

 However, to be declared
Indian Institute Of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur  However, to be declared
 Public Institute Of Electronics And Information Technology, Aurangabad  However, to be declared

Sant Longwall Institute Of Engineering And Technology Longowal

However to be declared

Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur

 However to be declared

Indian Institute Of Petroleum and Energy, Visakhapatnam          

  Yet to be declared

Indian Institute Of Handloom Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu

 However to be declared

Jamia Hamdard University, Delhi

However to be declared

College Of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

However, to be declared

Well known private universities tolerating JEE Mains scores:

 Name of school/university        




Counselling dates


Harmony School Of Engineering And Technology, Noida


Yet to be declared

Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar


 Yet to be declared.

Delhi Technological University, Najafgarh, Delhi


 Yet to be declared

Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology, Dwarka, Delhi


   Yet to be declared

Punjab Engineering College (Pec), Chandigarh


Yet to be declared

Galgotias University


  Yet to be declared

Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajanuary Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai


  Yet to be declared

Foundation Of Engineering and Technology, Chandigarh


 Yet to be declared

The clincher list follows shows the up-and-comers scoring 100 percentiles

The clincher list given underneath shows up-and-comers scoring 90+ percentile

Their tips and deceives of planning are given in the connections beneath

FAQ identifying with JEE Mains result 2021

Q. Once can the JEE Mains 2021 outcome for April/meeting get announced? 
A. NTA has free the JEE Mains 2021 outcomes for April/September meeting on Sep 11. The test was led from sept 1-6, 2021. 

Q. An approach to check JEE Mains result 2021 on the official site? 
A. On the official site, click on read JEE Mains 2021 outcome/scorecard and enter application reach and date of birth on the login window. 

Q. Can JEE Mains result and JEE Mains rank card be extraordinary? 
A. Truly, the rank card and consequences of JEE Mains 2021 will be totally unique. To move each, up-and-comers need their JEE Mains move range and dob (date of birth) 

Q. What rate understudies scored JEE Mains 100 percentiles? 
A. 24 understudies scored 100 imprints in JEE Mains results. The whole rundown of up-and-comers is given higher than on this page. 

Q. What subtleties are referenced in JEE Mains 2021 outcome for April meeting? 
A. JEE Mains 2021 outcome/scorecard incorporates subtleties like applicant's name, move range, date of birth, parent's name, classification, status, marks made sure about in material science, science and math, all out imprints got, all nation rank (air), class rank, JEE Mains 2021 suspend score for JEE progressed and so on 

Q. Am I ready to re-examine JEE Mains result 2021? 
A. No. There's no arrangement to re-examine/re-check JEE Mains 2021 outcome. NTA doesn't engage any correspondence during this respect. 

Q. Anyway do I do know whether I am equipped for appearing in JEE progressed 2021 test? 
A. Competitors un office have made sure about finished or satisfactory to JEE Mains cut-off free by NTA are equipped for JEE progressed test. Exclusively the most noteworthy a couple of,45,000 (counting all classes) in paper-1 of JEE Mains 2021 square measure qualified for JEE progressed 2021 test. 

Q. Will the January and April scores slant in an unexpected way? Notwithstanding, would I be able to do realize that is my best score? 
A. NTA can release each the January and April scores individually on totally various dates. The positions additionally will be referenced on the outcome record. The authority can arrange the characteristics of each the meetings (January and April) and can announce an advantage list for individuals who have showed up in each the meetings. 

Q. What rate hours do JEE clinchers study? 
A. It relies upon the researcher and their planning. On the normal clinchers, study twelve hours during a day. 

Q. Is that the NTA score and portion of imprints the equivalent? 
A. No, NTA score is definitely not a comparative in light of the fact that the portion of imprints. 

Q. Can NTA moreover report a definitive answer key of JEE Mains 2021 paper 2? 
A. Security pin appears to be on the login page of JEE Mains 2021. It is case delicate and incorporates of numbers and letter sets

Guidelines to Candidates

Because of Covid-19 Pandemic, this time archive check processes totally ONLINE. Applicants who are apportioned a seat need not go to Verification (Reporting) focuses actually. After the seat has been dispensed to a competitor, he/she is needed to Log-in to their record on JOSAA-2021 entrance to acknowledge the distributed seat and carefully follow the JoSAA-2021 timetable for resulting exercises. They are moreover encouraged to begin the cycle at soonest without hanging tight for the most recent day of booked cut-off time to stay away from the very late issue. In view of competitor's position, his/her classification and selections of projects, he/she has been temporarily designated a seat in the scholastic program and Organization appeared in his/her sign in.

Designated up-and-comers need to adhere to JOSAA-2021 Business Rule and summed up directions recorded underneath:

After sign in after advances must be performed for affirmation of the designated seat

  1. Applicant is needed to present the eagerness alternative(FREEZE/SLIDE/FLOAT) on the web.
  2. Up-and-comer is needed to Upload the (material) Documents according to listof records given in Business Rule.
    1. Class X Certificate/Birth Certificate
    2. Class XII Mark sheet/State of Eligibility Proof
    3.  Class Certificate(EWS/OBC-NCL,SC/ST) if appropriate
    4.  PwD declaration if appropriate
    5.  Clinical Certificate
    6. OCI/PIO card if relevant
    7.  Identification/Citizenship Certificate If appropriate
    8.  Crossed Bank Check/Photocopy of Passbook/Screenshot of Online record
    9. DS declaration if appropriate
  3. Pay the Seat Acceptance Fee (Rs. 35,000 for GEN, GEN-EWS and OBC-NCL, Rs. 15,000 for SC, ST and PwD Candidates).
  4. The transferred Documents will be Verified ONLINE by the confirming officials.
  5. During on the web confirmation, checking official may raise inquiry (ies) which will be obvious to the applicant in their login account on JoSAA gateway.
  6. Up-and-comers are encouraged to react to the questions as quickly as time permits as there might be further inquiry raised by the checking official.Up-and-comers are likewise encouraged to visit their sign in record often till their whole questions are settled.
  7. The up-and-comer is Mandatorily Required to react the inquiry (ies) raised by the checking official inside specified time-frame referenced in the plan for each round. On the off chance that the inquiry has not been reacted the assigned seat may get dropped.
  8. Produced Documents: At the hour of confirmation, if the archives presented by the applicant are discovered to be produced/phony, at that point the seat assigned will be dropped.
  9. After online check of the records the seat might be affirmed or dropped and the Provisional Seat Confirmation or seat scratch-off letter will be produced dependent on refreshed certifications of the up-and-comer.
  10. The competitor can download the Document Verification-cum-Seat Acknowledgment Letter or seat wiping out letter from their record.
  11. Seat Up-degree: If competitor acknowledges the distributed seat with skimming/sliding choice, and in the event that he/she is assigned an alternate seat in a ensuing round, at that point his/her as of now offered/acknowledged seat will naturally be relinquished.
  12. In the ensuing rounds, up-and-comers with SLIDE/FLOAT choices have to check their record for any upgradation in their portion and may update their choice.
  13. On the off chance that up-and-comer has been dispensed a seat in NIT System in one round furthermore, his/her seat is moved up to IIT framework in ensuing round(s) or the other way around, competitor won't have any case on recently designated seat. Besides, in such cases his/her transferred records will be checked again in the new framework. Such up-and-comers must need to react to inquiry (ies) brought by checking official up in the new framework, ifany, bombing which his/her at present assigned seat will be dropped andup-and-comer will be out of JoSAA-2021 guiding.
  14. All the Candidates who have been apportioned a seat first time in any round need to adhere to the above Instructions
  15. Competitors may utilize the WITHDRAW/EXIT choices in the event that they wish according to subtleties given in the JoSAA-2021 Business Rules. With JEE Main 2021 proclaimed, here comes the most crucial point in time of your life. You need to settle on an insightful choice about your vocation dependent on the alternative you are left with. On the off chance that you have scored well in JEE Main and are among the top 2.50 lakh understudies, your genuine test starts now. Other than keeping yourself in the opposition, you have to endeavour to make sure about a seat among the chief establishments for example IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) and NITs (National Institutes of Technology). In any case, a ton of times, with a poor JEE Main score, the vast majority of the understudies get into gloom and see that their goal to become engineers have been broken. Be that as it may, this can undoubtedly be forestalled by get-together data about the vocation openings accessible for an understudy even without a BTech degree.

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JEE Main Result 2021 (OUT): Check NTA Score, Percentile & Topper List
National Testing Agency (NTA) released the JEE Main 2021 results. Check NTA Score, Percentile, Topper List. Find all the latest NEET related news here
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