JEE is probably the hardest test to break. It is directed in two stages Main and Advanced. Getting ready for IIT JEE Revision Notes? Stressed over quality investigation material? ClearExam gives important scholarly substance arranged by exceptionally experienced academicians for the JEE Main and Advanced applicants.
CLEAREXAM is consistently adamant to help the understudies in the most ideal manner conceivable. The understudies must have the ideal IIT JEE Study Notes with solutions and study material. Study material assumes a fundamental part in boosting the arrangement of the understudies. Different understudies burn through a ton of time looking for the IIT JEE Revision Notes with solutions and study material, if you need to plan for JEE in the most ideal manner, at that point you can take the help of CLEAREXAM study material.
We put stock in defeating distance hindrances and giving quality training. ClearExam gives an advancement the best online examination material for JEE by the top resources of Kota. This downloadable free PDF of study material advantages competitors notwithstanding homeroom training. If you are focusing on IIT JEE Study Notes it is proposed to check different points under Physics, Chemistry, and Maths.
Understudies regularly face pressure when the assessments are practically around the bend. Besides, as the tests approach, it isn't the topic that you need however it is the last correction that would end up being of gigantic assistance. Modification isn't simply perusing the notes you made in class. Truth be told, correction ought to incorporate all the fundamental tips, be it hypothesis or practice that would help you in endeavoring inquiries easily.
It is regularly seen that understudies don't set up their update notes while experiencing the topic and accordingly while reexamining they will in general pass up different vital focuses. We, at ClearExam, comprehend the need and significance of amendment notes for understudies and consequently have thought of the comprehensive modification notes which have been set up by our master personnel involving ex-IITians, and these study notes, without a doubt would end up being of enormous assistance. We present to you the study notes on Maths, Physics, and Chemistry which incorporate some reasonable rules to some valuable realities of tackling some regular issues.
Simply read 4-5 IIT JEE Study notes for each day and we wager you'll wind up holding the greatest realities. Alongside the formulae and realities, we have likewise gathered some intuitive models and outlines which have been gotten from the earlier year papers of IIT JEE Revision Notes with solutions and other designing tests. We'll continue including more points in our everyday schedule and you are likewise allowed to share your proposals on the notes. You may likewise propose a specific theme on which you might want us to introduce the update notes.
A portion of the advantages of these elite correction notes include:
- Prepared by skillful and adept personnel comprising of ex-IITians.
- Based on the most recent schedule of IIT JEE and other designing tests.
- Cover practically terrifically significant realities and formulae.
- They have been introduced in the freshest and exact structure.
- Easy to retain.
- Supported with outlines from past year papers.
- The arrangements are intricate and straightforward.
- These notes can help in your very late readiness.
- These notes can assist you in improving your scores!!
Preparing for JEE Mains? Whether it's a test or a competitive exam, notes play an important role in every preparation! That's why ClearExam takes care of your IIT JEE Study Notes for Preparation by offering Shorts notes for IIT JEE Mains and JEE Advanced Study Notes Including Summary and Important formulae.
Here are the absolute best correction tips for JEE Main -
- Set a Goal: Before beginning the update for the selection test, it is essential to set an objective first. You should sort out how long do you need for an update. As per specialists, 30 days amendment technique is generally valuable for understudies. To support understudies, ClearExam has thought of 30 days and 60 days plan for JEE
- Focus on Most Important Topics: It is imperative to zero in on the most significant sections in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. As indicated by earlier year paper investigation, we have rattled off subject insightful significant points for JEE planning.
- Prepare Short Notes: As inquiries in IIT JEE Main are MCQ/objective-based, it is essential to make s short notes of significant subjects. This will assist you with the very late modification for the placement test. Likewise, your memory power for the themes will improve by making short notes. While getting ready for the short note, it is prudent to rattle off the significant formulae in all the subjects.
- Study Important Formulae: It is imperative to examine significant formulae at the hour of correction. This will help you in settling the inquiries inside a brief timeframe in the test. As the vast majority of the inquiries in Physics/Mathematics will be equation-based, it is critical to keep in contact with the equivalent for a superior score in the test.
- Study NCERT Textbook: Instead of depending on different private examination materials for JEE Main planning, it is critical to consider NCERT course readings. Note down the significant focuses from every subject for a minute ago reference. Reading material examination assumes an imperative function in accomplishing 85+ percentile in JEE Main test.
- Check Difficulty Level of Past Exam: You should check the trouble level of the past JEE Main test so you can appraise the trouble level of the forthcoming test. This will assist you in arranging the correction as needs are. Through this, you can organize the main points and the least significant subjects. You can tap on the connection underneath for additional subtleties.
- Practice Old Question Papers/Practice Papers: Your correction for JEE Main test will improve simply by rehearsing old papers/practice question papers. As and when you practice a paper, sort out the inquiries for which you have checked wrong answers and take a stab at tackling them. This will help you in improving memory power for ideas and formulae
- Listen to ClearExam Video Lectures: ClearExam is where you can get to the video addresses for JEE Main test. Top educators of different IITs have simply clarified ideas of placement tests.
- Be Confident: The last tip we can give you is to remain certain. Be positive. Nothing is incomprehensible with difficult work. In this way, you can accomplish a decent score in JEE Main with difficult work and devotion. ClearExam has a wide range of test materials for JEE arrangement and we trust that these will help you in getting ready for the test successfully.
Notes of various subjects
IIT being a difficult one to figure out, it requires at least 2 years of arduous arrangement to have the option to break it. CLEAREXAM gives IIT JEE notes or study material for IIT JEE, from where the understudies can make their update notes. Nonetheless, the correction notes so gave by CLEAREXAM are organized in a way that they can be straightforwardly utilized for modification purposes. The investigation material for IIT JEE involves study notes, formulae sheets for various subjects, memory helpers, and other learning apparatuses which will make the maintenance of the ideas feasible for quite a while. Subsequently, the understudies who are eager to pro the IIT JEE should unquestionably get their hands on our exam material.
Which notes are better?
The independent notes are the best. This is because when the notes are being composed by the understudies themselves, they would have done their first correction without even a second's pause in particular. Likewise, it has been deductively demonstrated that when one peruses anything written in their penmanship, at that point the understudy holds it for an any longer time. The understudies can without much of a stretch casing their tips and deceives while making transcribed notes.
During the week before the assessment day, the understudies will experience difficulty in their appearances whenever manually written notes are not made. On outlining transcribed notes, the understudies can without much of a stretch experience them before the test. Yet, without legitimate transcribed notes, the understudies should filter every one of their reading material again for significant focuses. Thus it is exhorted that an understudy ought to consistently have independent notes prepared.
Significant hints which can be utilized to make JEE update notes
Making notes is significant as you can't peruse the entire JEE books over the most recent couple of days of the assessment. Attempt to peruse your notes on whatever number of occasions as could be expected under the circumstances. Try not to make nitty-gritty notes as opposed to doing so attempt to add memory maps in your notes as they are straightforward
Up-and-comers can likewise add a few inquiries to their notes. Never duplicate glue the things from the reference books and attempt to compose all alone. Spotlight more on understanding the ideas and afterward make notes based on their arrangement.
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the test arrangements have been finished on the web. It is extremely important to get some time to oneself and to rejuvenate.
All the best for JEE, aspirants!
IIT-JEE Study Resources Quick Links
- IITJEE Physics
- IITJEE Chemistry
- IITJEE Mathematics
- NEET Physics
- NEET Chemistry
- NEET Biology
Study Notes
- HC Verma Part 1
- HC Verma Part 2
- RD Sharma Class 9
- RD Sharma Class 10
- RS Aggarwal Class 10
- Lakhmir Singh Class 9
- Lakhmir Singh Class 10