Exam Mania for Maharashtra HSC Board
Maharashtra HSC Board exams are just around the corner and the students get on with their preparations for the most important exams at the school level. Candidates who are in Class XII have to appear their Maharashtra HSC Board exams to pass out from the school.
All the focus that the students have is on getting a high percentage of marks in the Maharashtra HSC Board exams because if secured a high percentage they would be able to take admission into the college of their choice and course.
Annual exams are held at centres alloted to each school and the students that fall under a particular school have to give exams in the exam centre only. Class XII board exam is conducted by Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune, in two languages which are English and Hindi. Exams are gloomy phases for the students as they have to endure a lot of hard work to achieve high grades in every subject.
Higher classes are a very important time for the students as they are an important determinant for their future careers. The Class XII board exams are of three hours each and the students have to complete the exam in the stipulated duration
Major skills that the students require for the board exams is time management and thorough knowledge of the syllabus. Regular students will get their respective admit cards and original copy of the result from the school.
Important updates regarding the exam can be viewed on the official website of Maharashtra HSC Board in the important notices section. Planning for the exam before hand makes the students ready to face the exam mania well.
In today's world, there are a variety of tools that students can use to enhance their marks and prepare in a systematic way for the exams.
Important Points To Remember For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
Maharashtra HSC Board exams will be conducted in the month of February during the HSC Result Date Maharashtra Board of February 18, to March 18. Aspirants going to appear Maharashtra HSC Board exams in are required to download the datesheet and they can also download their admit card for the exam from the official website of the board.
Students must take two coloured print outs of the admit card that they receive from the board as they need to bring their admit card with them without which they would not get entry. There are two time slots for the exams including the Morning and Evening shift.
Timings for Morning Shift are between 11 am - 2 pm while for the Evening Shift is between 3 pm - 6 pm. Abiding by and remembering the datesheet for the exam is equally important for the students because sometimes the students tend to forget the subject name of the exam which can cause a major problem for them.
There is also a passing percentage that the students need to score if they want to pass the Maharashtra HSC Board exams and the percentage is fixed for 35 in every subject. If any student fails in the board exam then they can give the compartment exams which will be conducted separately by the board.
Preparing a strategy for the exams according to the time table of the exam will make the students finish their full syllabus of every subject before time.
Exam name | Maharashtra HSC exam |
Authority name | Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) |
Exam Dates | February 18 to March 18 |
Exam duration | 3 hours for most of the exams |
Number of students | Around 14.5 lakh |
Official website | mahahsscboard.in |
Result date | Last week of May |
Important Dates for Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
The following is the table of the date sheet for the reference of the students. It is very important that every student that will be giving the Maharashtra HSC Board Exams must prepare their exam schedule in accordance with the date sheet as it is compulsory for every candidate to give the exam.
Starting on February 18 till March 18, 2018. Important exam tip that the scholars always share is that they make their own study schedule as soon as the date sheet arrives as there is not much time to cover the entire syllabus therefore the students must start preparing early.
Every student has a certain percentage in their mind which they want to achieve in their class 12th board exams and for that they must prepare a roadmap because by following it only the students will be able to reach up to their goal.
Dates | Exam |
February 18 | English | Mode: Offline |
February 20 | Marathi (02), Gujarati (03), Kannada (04), Sindhi(05), Malayalam (08), Tamil (09), Telugu (10), Punjabi (11), Bengali (12), Urdu (5), French (13), Pali (35) | Mode: Offline |
February 22, | Hindi (04), German (14), Ardhamagadhi (16), Persian (37), Avesta Pahlavi (87) | Mode: Offline |
February 24, | Secretariat Practice (C) (52), Physics (S) (54), Political Science (A) (42) | Mode: Offline |
February 25, | Logic (A) (47) | Mode: Offline |
February 26, | Organization of Commerce & Management (c) (51), Chemistry (S) (55), History (A) (38) | Mode: Offline |
February 27, | History & Development of Indian Music (A), English Literature (A/S/C) (22) | Mode: Offline |
February 28, | Mathematics & Statistics (A/S) (40), Mathematics & Statistics (C) (88), Hindi Applied (A/S/C) (24) | Mode: Offline |
February 29, | Cooperation (A/C) (53), Geology (S) (41), Percussion Instruments (A) (69) | Mode: Offline |
March 02, | Book Keeping & Accountancy (A/C) (50), Biology (S) (56), Philosophy (A) (46) | Mode: Offline |
March 04, | Child Development (43) (A/S), Agriculture Science and Technology (75) (S), Animal Science and Technology (76) (S) | Mode: Offline |
March 05, | Economics (A/S/C) (49) | Mode: Offline |
March 06, | Textiles (A/S) (44), Marathi Literature (A/S/C) (23) | Mode: Offline |
March 07, | Geography (A/S/C) (39), Japanese (21) | Mode: Offline |
March 09, | Sociology (A/S) (45) | Mode: Offline |
March 11, | Information Technology (Online Exam) Science (97), Art (98), Commerce (99) (Excluding students appeared for Education Subject), Bi-Focal Courses Paper-I, Technical group Paper-I, General Civil Engg (S) (A4), Electronics (S) (C2), Computer Science (S) (D9) | Mode: Offline |
March 11, | Commerce Group Paper-I, Agriculture Group Paper-I, Fishery Group Paper-I | Mode: Offline |
March 12, | Information Technology (online exam) Science (97) Art (98) Commerce (99) | Mode: Offline |
March 13, | General Knowledge (32)(online exam) (for Military Schools), Information Technology (online exam) Science (97) Art (98) Commerce (99) (Excluding students appeared for Library and Information Science subject) | Mode: Offline |
March 13, | Bi-Focal Courses Paper-II, Technical group Paper-II, General Civil Engg (S) (A4), Electronics (S) (C2), Computer Science (S) (D9), Commerce Group Paper-II, Agriculture Group Paper-II, Fishery Group Paper-II | Mode: Offline |
March 14, | General Knowledge (32) (Online Exam) (For Military Schools - Excluding Defence Studies subject appeared candidates), History of Art & Appreciation (A) (60) (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture), Defence Studies (A/S/C) (77) | Mode: Offline |
March 16, | General Knowledge (Online Examination) (For Military Schools - Excluding Psychology subject appeared candidates), Psychology (A/S) (48) | Mode: Offline |
March 17, | Sanskrit, Russian (20), Arabic (36) | Mode: Offline |
March 18, | Automobile Service Technician, Multi-Skill Technician(General Engineering, Multi-Skill Technician (Electrical), Multi-Skill Technician(Gardening, Landscape and Nursery Management, Automobile Service Technician (with Bridge Course) | Mode: Offline |
March 18, | Multi-Skill Technician (Food Processing and Preservation), Retail Sales Associate, Healthcare, Beauty and Wellness, Sports, Agriculture, Banking Financial Services & Insurance, Media & Entertainment, Tourism and Hospitality | Mode: Offline |
Eligibility For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
Maharashtra HSC Board has laid down guidelines that the students have to follow to ensure that they will be able to give the board exams. The students who don't resemble the eligibility criteria for Maharashtra HSC Board Exams, those candidates cannot apply for the board exams.
Guidelines are set by the board because not every student can give Class XII board exams. The eligibility criteria is that the candidate must be an Class XI pass out from a recognized board and he should be currently studying in Class XII school that comes under the Maharashtra Board.
While the students are studying is Class XII they should secure the required percentage of attendance as that is also an eligibility criteria for the exams. Private candidates should check the eligibility criteria and they should make sure that they are coming in the category so that they can fill out the application form.
Application For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
This is a mandatory step that all the candidates who are set to appear for the Maharashtra HSC Board Exams require to do. Every student must ensure that they have filled out the Maharashtra HSC Board 12th Application Form and submitted the application fees to the board.
Any candidate who fails to submit the form would not be able to give the board exams, therefore it is a very important form to file. Candidates must make sure that spell their name right and mention all the details correctly on the application form.
Application form is easy to fill and the candidates can do that online also through the official website. The dates when the students can fill the application form is from October 24 to October 31. In the application window the students must fill out their application form.
The students have to submit the documents that are asked in the application form and also the application fee that can be paid online. The students should keep all their documents scanned and the passport size photograph scanned to be uploaded online.
Syllabus For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
The Maharashtra HSC Board Syllabus for Class XII board exams is given below and they must follow it for the exams From the official website mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in itself the students can easily download the syllabus and they must refer to it so that they are aware about the topics that need to be covered.
Unlike the unit exams in which only some parts of Maharashtra HSC Board 12th syllabus come in the test, in the board exams all the topics of syllabus are asked in the exam. According to the stream which the student has they can find their syllabus in the syllabus section of mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in. candidates can easily draft their own exam guide and by following it they would be able to cover all the topics and can concentrate on making their concepts clear by solving doubts.
Planning for exams is as important as preparing for it because without a plan, nothing can be achieved. Working on their small goals the students would be able to win their race of high percentage in Class XII board exams.
The following is the syllabus for English subjects which students can refer to.
- Tenses
- Types of sentences
- Clauses
- Reported speech
- Prepositions
- Word formation
- Infinitives
- Gerunds and Participles
- Linking words/discourse markers
Given below is the syllabus for Maharashtra HSC Board exams.
Physics Syllabus
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Circular motion | Angular displacement, Angular velocity and angular acceleration, Equation for velocity and energy at different positions, Kinematical equations |
Gravitation | Newton’s law of gravitation, Kepler’s laws of motion, escape velocity of a satellite, Variation of ‘g’ due to altitude, latitude, depth and motion, etc |
Rotational motion | M.I., K.E. of rotating body, Rolling motion, Radius of gyration, Torque, Angular momentum |
Oscillations | S.H.M., Projection of U.C.M. on any diameter, K.E. and P.E. in S.H.M |
Elasticity | Elastic property, Deformation, Plasticity, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, stress and strain, Elastic constants and their relation |
Surface tension | Surface energy, Surface tension, Effect of impurity and temperature on surface tension, Angle of contact. |
Wave motion | Doppler effect in sound, Simple harmonic progressive waves, transverse and longitudinal waves, Superposition of waves |
Stationary waves | Vibrations in a finite medium, vibrations of air columns, Stationary waves on string, Free and Forced Vibrations, Resonance |
Kinetic theory of gases and Radiation | Derivation of Boyle’s law, 1st law of thermodynamics, Wein’s displacement law, Greenhouse effect, Stefan’s law, Maxwell distribution, |
Wave theory of light | Huygens’ Principle, Polarisation, Polaroids, Refraction at plane surface, Plane polarised light, Wave front and wave normal, Brewster’s law, Doppler effect in light. |
Interference and diffraction | Young’s experiment, Analytical treatment of interference bands, Rayleigh’s criterion, interference and diffraction. etc |
Electrostatics | Gauss’ theorem, Dielectrics and electric polarisation, van-de-Graaff generator, Energy density of a medium, etc |
Current electricity | Kirchhoff’s law, Wheatstone’s bridge, Meter bridge, Potentiometer. |
Magnetic effects of electric current | Ampere’s law and its applications, Ammeter, Voltmeter, moving coil galvanometer, Cyclotron. etc |
Magnetism | Curie temperature, Circular current loop as a magnetic dipole, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism |
Electromagnetic inductions | Laws of electromagnetic induction, proof, Self induction and mutual induction, Eddy currents, etc. |
Electrons and photons | Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s equation, Hertz and Lenard’s observations, |
Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei | Rutherford’s model of atom, Composition and size of nucleus, Hydrogen spectrum, Bohr’s model, Decay law, Radioactivity, mass- energy relation, etc |
Semiconductors | Zener diode, Photodiode, Solar cell, P-N junction diode, I-V characteristics |
Communication systems | Propagation of electromagnetic waves, bandwidth of transmission medium, bandwidth of signals, etc |
Chemistry Syllabus
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Solid State | Classification of solids, unit cell in 2 & 3 dimensional lattices, calculation of density, voids, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties, Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors, insulators and n-p type semiconductors. |
Solutions and colligative properties |
Types of solutions, concentration of solids in liquids, Raoult’s law, elevation of boiling point, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, Van’t Hoff factor, etc |
Chemical thermodynamics and energetic | Work, heat, energy, First law of thermodynamics, Hess’ law of constant heat summation, extensive and intensive properties, enthalpy of bond dissociation, Second and third law of thermodynamics, etc |
Electrochemistry | Kohlrausch’s Law, lead accumulator, dry cell –electrolytic and galvanic cells, EMF, fuel cells, Nernst equation |
Chemical kinetics | Activation energy, rate law and specific rate constant, Arrhenius equation, concept of collision theory, etc |
General principles and processes of isolation of elements | Principles and methods of extraction, reduction electrolytic method and refining |
p-Block elements | Group 15 elements, Group 16 elements, Classification of oxides, Group 17 elements, Group 18 elements, etc. |
d and f Block Elements | Lanthanoids, Actinoids, first row transition metals, interstitial compounds, alloy formation |
Coordination compounds | IUPAC nomenclature, Werner’s theory, coordination number, magnetic properties, VBT, CFT. isomerism, |
Halogen derivatives of alkanes | Haloalkanes, Haloarenes, stability of carbocations, d-l and R-S configurations. |
Alcohols, phenols and ethers | Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, etc |
Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids | Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, etc |
Organic compounds containing nitrogen | Amines, Diazonium salts, Cyanides and isocyanides, etc |
Biomolecules | Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Nucleic acids, etc |
Polymers | Classification, methods of polymerization, copolymerization, polythene, bakelite, nylon, polyesters, and rubber, Biodegradable, non-biodegradable polymers. |
Chemistry in everyday life | Chemicals in medicines, Chemicals in food, Cleansing agents |
Mathematics Syllabus
Mathematical Logic | Applications of the definite integral |
Pair of straight lines | Applications of derivative |
Matrices | Differential equation |
Circle | Applications of the definite integral |
Trigonometric functions | Integration |
Conics | Statistics |
Vectors | Probability distribution |
Linear programming problems | Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution |
Three-dimensional geometry | Continuity |
Line | Differentiation |
Plane |
Biology Syllabus
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Genetics and Evolution | Genetic Basis of Inheritance, Gene- its nature, expression and regulation, RNA, Protein Synthesis; |
Biotechnology and its application | Genetic engineering, cloning a DNA Library, Plasmids, Bacteriophages, BT crops, Biosafety Issues, etc |
Enhancement in Food Production | Tissue Culture, Plant Breeding, Single Cell Protein, Callus Culture, Biofortification, etc |
Microbes in Human Welfare | Microbes in Household food processing, Industrial Production, Biogas Production, Biocontrol Agents, Sewage Treatment, Biofertilizers, etc |
Plant Physiology | Photosynthesis, Respiration, Mechanism of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration, Fermentation, etc |
Reproduction in Plants | Asexual reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, Double Fertilization, Pollination, Post-fertilization changes, etc |
Habitat and Niche | Ecosystems, Ecological succession, Environmental issues, etc |
Zoology | Genetics and Evolution, Biotechnology and its application |
Genetics and Evolution | Origin and the Evolution of Life, Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance |
Genetic Engineering and Genomics | DNA Fingerprinting, Genomics, Human insulin, Gene Therapy. Transgenic animals. |
Human Health and Diseases | Immunology, Antigen-Antibody Complex, Pathogens and Parasites, Adolescence, drug abuse, Cancer and AIDS, etc |
Animal Husbandry | Dairy, Animal Breeding, Fisheries, Lac culture, Poultry, Bee-Keeping, Sericulture |
Circulation | Blood composition and coagulation, Heart, Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation, Cardiac output, Regulation of cardiac activity, Blood related disorders, ECG, Lymphatic System |
Excretion and osmoregulation | Modes of excretion, Excretory System, Role of Kidney in Osmoregulation, Regulation of kidney function, Disorders, etc |
Control and Coordination | Nervous System, Sensory receptors, Endocrine System, Hormones and their functions, Common disorders, etc |
Human Reproduction | Reproductive system in male and female, Reproductive cycle, Reproductive health, Contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, etc |
Ecology and Environment | Biodiversity and its conservation, Population and ecological adaptations, Environmental issues, |
Syllabus For Political Science
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Part I-Indian Constitution: Characteristics | 1. Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties 2. Legislature: Parliament. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Lawmaking process, Amendment procedure State legislature: Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad 3. Executive: President – Election, Power and Functions Vice President – Election, Power and Functions Prime Minister and Council of Ministers – Election |
Part II- Politics in India | Patterns of Party Competition One-party dominant system Towards multi-party system |
Political and Social Movements Nature of social movement Role of movements in democratic system Examples of movements |
Syllabus For Accountancy
- Introduction to Partnership
- Partnership Final Accounts
- Reconstitution of Partnership
- Dissolution of Partnership Firm
- Accounts of “Not for Profit” concerns
- Single entry system
- Bill of Exchange (Only Trade Bill)
- Company Accounts
- Analysis of financial statements
- Accounting for shares
Syllabus For Economics
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Consumers behavior
- Analysis of Supply
- Types of Market & Price determination
- Factors of Production
- Introduction to Macroeconomics
- National Income
- Determinants of Aggregates
- Money
- Commercial Bank
- Central Bank
- Public Economics
Syllabus For Sociology
- Formation of Indian Society
- Segments of Indian Society
- Social Institutions in India
- Major Social Problems in India
- National Integration
- Social Change in India
- Social reformers in India
- Globalization and Mass Media
Syllabus For Arts
S. No. | Subject | Topics |
1 | Bengali | Prose, poetry, rapid reading, Grammar and Composition, Composition-Essay writing - Nibandh lekha, Comprehension - Bodh Pariksan Kara, Translation, Anubad Kara, Letter Writing, Bhad- Samprasaran |
2 | English literature | Introduction to the Study of English Literature, poems, short stories, essays, one act play, biographical pieces, a short novel, a play |
3 | History | Applied History in the 21st Century, Mass Media and History, Entertainment Media and History, Tourism and History, Museums, Historical Research, Encyclopedia, Administrative Services, History Teacher and Teaching |
4 | Geography | Population, migration, agriculture, Minerals and energy resources, industries, trade, Transportation and Communications, Economic developments |
Preparation Tips For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
When the candidates are gearing up for their board exams they require the best tips that can enhance their preparation. The never ending search of the students for the Maharashtra HSC Board 12th Preparation Tips ends here at CLEAR EXAM. We are providing specially curated tips which the students can follow easily.
Every student can score better if they know the correct pathway that will lead them to success. One of the main strategies that a student cannot miss is preparing with the help of a timetable that will totally streamline their preparation.
Concentrating on one subject each day rather than a variety of topics of different subjects will prove to be better for the students as in this way they would concentrate on one subject each day. Noting down the doubts that the students have while they are preparing a chapter would help them to understand the concepts better.
After the candidates have completed the syllabus then they can dedicate a certain time slot each day for the practise of mock tests to enhance their scores.
Developing their own notes will prove to be very helpful for the candidates. Personalized study notes aids the students in remembering what they have learned in a better way. When the students write what they are learning then it registers faster into mind and they are able to comparatively perform better.
Making short notes after finishing a lesson will help the students to revise the chapter quickly. Knowing that Class XII board exams are very important for the students but they should counter the stress by preparing well. The students should be dedicating a few days before the exam date to thoroughly revise the syllabus.
Exam Pattern For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
Special importance must be given to understanding the Maharashtra HSC Board 12th Exam Pattern. This can only be done when the candidates practise the sample papers. It is an important point that the students must not miss before gearing up for the exams.
Real preparation starts only when the students practise the sample papers because before that the candidates are not aware about the type of questions that will be asked in the exam. There is a huge difference in the exam pattern that is followed in the board exams and the one that is followed in the school exams.
For the board exams it becomes really beneficial for the student to know how the previous question papers were. Practising the questions on the sample papers will enable the students to get the mixture of questions from the syllabus and it will test their knowledge gained.
The Strength - Weakness - Opportunity - Threat (SWOT) analysis can be done only when the students know how they have been performing in the mock test papers. Candidates might come to know some topics which they have not touched yet and they have been asked in the board exam.
Then the students must cover that chapter well. There is a different variety of questions that are asked in the exam such as short form, long form and essay form questions. The exam is of 100 marks and it is further divided into theory and practical exam. The practical exam is held in the school itself and the theory exams are conducted in the designated exam centres.
During the examination the main goal of the students must be to ascertain a strategy that will help him to complete the exam before time and then focus on revising the answer sheet. There are many students who fail to complete the question paper and lose marks but this must not be the case with the students because every mark counts.
Starting out with the questions that the students find the most difficult will be helpful for the students because in the starting their mind is fresh. After they have completed the difficult questions the students must finish the other easy questions which they will be able to answer quickly.
Adhering to exam pattern candidates will be able to complete the exam on time.
Mock Test For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
Mock tests are an important component in the exam preparation and every student must practise it before they get prepared to give the exams. In the current competitive environment, the students' preparation is incomplete.
Gaining a high percentage in the board exams is not an easy task for every student and that can only be achieved if the candidate has not left any stone unturned. Practise is the key to unlock the potential of the students and they should never miss out on practising the question bank and the mock test.
Due to the advent of advanced technology the students get no problem is finding the mock tests of the subject they are preparing for. There are various online archives that have the previous year question papers and they can prepare through it.
Knowledge of the exam pattern can also be gained when the students take out time to practise the mock tests. Marking scheme is clearly mentioned in the sample papers that the students have to solve in the duration of the test.
Practising in this will increase the question solving speed of the students and they will come to know if they can solve the question paper in time. Speed and accuracy are the two components that enable the students to answer the question paper efficiently.
Admit Card For Maharashtra HSC Board Exams
When we are talking about the Maharashtra HSC Board 12th Admit Card the students should take utmost care and precaution as without it they would be denied entry to the exam hall. The major importance is given to the admit card among the documents that should be carried to the exam centre.
The day before the test is very important for the students as they have to revise and also keep everything ready for the test. The major items that are to be carried with the candidates are a valid school identification document, admit card and stationery box.
With the advent of the internet viewing and downloading the admit card has become an easy task for the students. From the comfort of their homes or cyber cafes, the students can log in to Maharashtra HSC Board Official Website of the board and then download the admit card.
The regular candidates have to take the admit card from their respective schools as it is mandatory to collect it from their. Attendance is a major issue for the regular students and cannot just download the online copy of the admit card and take it to the exam centre.
The private candidates must note that they have to download the admit card online and then take out two printouts that are required to carry to the test center.
The candidates can forget anything but they cannot forget their admit cards and that should be the first thing that they should keep in their bag for the exam. January 21 is the date when the admit card would be published online by the board.
One thing that the students must check is that their admit card is signed by the official authority of the board.
12th Result Maharashtra Board
The passing percentage set by the board for the students is 35 percent and this should be achieved in every subject for passing in one go. In May, the Maharashtra HSC Result will be out and the specific date of the result would be notified by the board on the official website.
Results are filled with anticipation for the students as they are awaiting the outcome of the exam that they have given. Surviving the result day is quite a stressful task for the students and they are often spent in anticipation.
There is not a particular time when the board publishes the result and that is why the students keep checking the website or the news channels to come to know when they would come. It is also a stressful time for the family of the candidate as they are also holding their breath in anticipation of how their ward has performed.
The tension that the students are facing is just a temporary phase as soon their results would come and they will come to know the result of what they have sown. It is a dream of every student that they top the examination but there are only a few candidates who are able to do that just because they have put in their complete dedication and hardwork into the task.
Candidates must keep on checking the official website to come to know HSC Result Maharashtra Board Date. To view the result, all that the students have to do is to log in to the board website and click on the results section. After the result page opens up the students must download the result for future use.
Candidates must not panic much if HSC Maharashtra Result page is not opening up as sometimes the website faces the server issue and that can lead to the result not opening up. At this time the students should wait as the load slows down the candidates will be able to view the HSC Result Maharashtra.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are exam timings for Maharashtra HSC Board Exams?
A: There are two shift timings in which the board exams are conducted which are the morning and evening shifts. The morning shift is from 11 am to 2 pm while the evening shift is from 3 pm to 6 pm.
Q: When will the Maharashtra HSC Board Exams start?
A: Maharashtra HSC Board exams commenced on February 18.
Q: Where can we download the time table for the board exams?
A: Candidates must visit the website of the board that is mahahsscboard.in.
Q: What is the date when the admit card will be released by the board?
A: On February 15, the admit card was released by Maharashtra Board.