Students Guide to MP Board Class X
The board examination is the key decision point deciding the future of the student. Based on the MP board result of Class X, the candidates are destined to get the direction for their upcoming careers as which subject they will get for higher studies would depend directly on the score they achieve. Annual exams of MP board are appeared by thousands of students who put in all of their hard work to achieve the perfect 100 in all subjects.
Cumulative percentage for Class X is calculated on the basis of the marks secured by the candidates in each subject. The candidates appearing in Class X MP board exams need to know the vital points about the examination as the students are often clueless about them. CLEAR EXAM would elaborate on every single aspect of MP board exams.
The Madhya Pradesh Board examinations for Class X are going to be conducted in March and the official notifications are issued by the board itself. Schools have its own cut off according to which the students in Class X are granted admission into the streams they choose. The streams chosen for Class XI and the performance in the same will lead to the college and the stream that they will take in college.
With all the guidance available the students must carefully prepare for the board exams. Scoring good is crucial because the higher the percentage the higher will be the chance to get to choose the stream one wants to pursue higher studies.
The MP board will publish the time table for MP board accordingly. Exam time table is released online. Mostly the students draft their own preparation schedule according to the time table of the exams because they need to complete their MP board syllabus well in advance.
Every candidate wants to score better than their peers. This is only possible when the students prepare in the right direction. Schools emphasize a lot on this. Of course, it is a very crucial stage.
CLEAR EXAM Execution Plan for MP Board
Execution tops the priority once the schedule has been fixed.Implementing a study schedule is the second most important thing that a student must do after a strategy is developed that is required for the exams.
Procrastination is apparent in most of the students. They are teenagers after all! Shedding away procrastination and following the schedule would be quite difficult for the students initially. But then they would get the heck of it.
Simply keeping in mind that what they have set out to achieve will be done if they follow the exam study schedule will give them the motivation to execute it.
How to Trigger Interest In Studies
There are ‘n’ number of ways in which the students can transform their study schedule from highly boring into an interesting one. The students can divide their task at hand in small sections keeping trivial rewards for each section of the chapter they finish.
In this way, studies will become a leisure activity for them and will not get bored of it too. The rewards that the students can keep can be anything that they enjoy doing which will break the monotony of studying for long hours at a stretch.
Making variations in the study-method can assist the students to keep their exam preparation interesting.
CLEAR EXAM Pointers for MP Board
Students appearing for the MP board exams of Class X in should make a note that the exams will commence in March. Every student must have the date sheet of the board exams with them as it has been noticed that the students tend to forget that which exam they have to study for.
Taking the board exams seriously is very important for the students otherwise they won't be able to choose the stream accordingly and will have to stick to the stream which gets allocated to them based on the percentage scored.
Admit card is the exam hall entry ticket which the private candidates have to download from the MP board official website or the regular students get it from the school authorities concerned. In February admit cards will be given to the students and they must keep it safe with them.
Taking the admit card to the test centre is is of utmost priority for the students because the ones who do not bring it along will be denied an entry. Registration process for the MP board Class X exams will be done in August 2019 and every candidate must ensure that they have successfully registered themselves for the exam.
By visiting the official website: mpbse.nic.in the students can get to know about the notices related to the exam. MP board 10th result will be released in May and the link for the result will be published on the official website.
Important Dates For MP Board
Planning is most important for the students for the board exams. This can only be done if they know what the important dates are for the exam. The time table for the exam gets released by the board earlier than the date of the exam so that the students know beforehand the sequence of the examination.
The candidates who are going to appear for the Class X MP board exams are required to note the important dates and they should make sure that they are preparing for the exams according to it. The MP board exams will commence in the first week of March and will continue till the end of March.
Students should note that the 10th result MP board will be published in May. The students who fail in one or more subjects in Class X exams have the option of giving the compartment exams which is notified separately by the MP Board. One can appear for the compartment exams only if they fail in a maximum of three subjects.
Dates | Exam |
Mar 3 | Second & Third Language (General), Sanskrit | Mode: Offline |
Mar 5 | NSQF (IT/ ITES, SECURITY, Beauty & wellness, Banking & Financial Services, Electrical technology, Healthcare, Physical Education & Sports, Retail, Travel & Tourism) | Mode: Offline |
07 Mar | Social Science | Mode: Offline |
09 Mar | THIRD LANGUAGE (General):- Sanskrit, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Sindhi, Malayalam, Persian, Arabic, French, Russian, Kannad & Oriya | Mode: Offline |
12 Mar | Mathematics | Mode: Offline |
16 Mar | Science | Mode: Offline |
19 Mar | Second & Third Language (General)- English | Mode: Offline |
23 Mar | First Language (Special ) - Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu | Mode: Offline |
27 Mar | Second & Third Language (General)- Hindi | Mode: Offline |
10 May - 16 May | (Tentative) Result | Mode: Online |
Eligibility for MP Board
There is a certain eligibility criteria that the students need to fulfill if they want to appear the Class X MP board exams. It is important that all the candidates need to adhere to the important points as listed by the board and they register themselves for the exams.
It is mandatory that the student should have cleared Class IX exams and there should be no compartment in order to appear for the Class X exams. The candidates appearing for Class X Board exams must visit the website regularly for the important notices issued by the board.
The pointers mentioned above are very important for the board exams and the students must check them earlier so that they can work accordingly.
Application Method for MP Board
Students are required to complete the application process so that they can appear the Class X MP board exams. There are two modes through which the students can apply for the exam: offline and online.
Offline MP board 10th Application Form are filled in by the school authorities. In a paradox, private candidates who wish to apply offline are required to visit the official website of the board and they have to buy the application form.
On the form, it is mandatory that the students fill in their details correctly. And that should match with the supporting documents because discrepancies, if any, can lead to the cancellation of the application form.This may cost them a year! There are also certain documents that the candidates need to attach to their application and after filling in the form the students need to submit it along with the fees to the MP board office.
The candidates willing to fill the application form for Class X exams online need to visit the website mpbse.mponline.gov.in and download the form. After downloading the form, the students have to fill in the details and then submit the form to the MP Board.
Syllabus for MP Board
MP board 10th syllabus is the blueprint that the students follow for the exams and device strategies required for the exam. On the official website of the board, the students can view the syllabus and download it as the entire syllabus is covered in the board exams. Questions may appear from any topic listed there.
NCERT books are sufficient for scoring reasonable marks in the board exam as maximum questions come from NCERT text.The students must make sure that they give proper attention to every subject and put all of their efforts in getting high percentages in all of them for a high overall percentage.
Many students make the mistake of leaving behind a few topics for the eleventh hour as learning new topics right before the exam may not be fruitful for them and they may forget what they had learned earlier.
Dividing the preparation time among all the subjects is what the students are required to do for the exams. The hard work that they put in preparing well for the Class X MP board exams will give results in the form of high grades.
Students should be well-versed with the syllabus and they should know topic-wise marks distribution. Developing a strategy for the exams is the perfect way in which the students will be able to achieve the goal they have set for themselves in a meticulous manner.
It is for the betterment of the students that they start preparing for the exam before the commencement of exams so that they have enough time to complete the syllabus and to practise sample papers. Through the modal test papers and sample papers the students get to understand the exam pattern. Practice makes them perfect and adds to their speed of solving questions.
Revision stays sacrosanct. Revision must never be ignored.
Syllabus for Mathematics for Class X MP Board exams
- Real numbers
- Polynomials
- Pair of linear equations in two variables
- Quadratic equations
- Arithmetic progressions
- Triangles
- Coordinate geometry
- Introduction to trigonometry
- Some application of trigonometry
- Circles
- Constructions
- Areas related to circles
- Surface areas and volumes
- Statistics
- Probability
Syllabus for Science for Class X MP Board exams
Chemical Reactions and Equations | Heredity and Evolution |
Acids, Bases and Salts | Light – Reflection and Refraction |
Metals and Non-metals | The Human Eye and Colourful World |
Carbon and its Compounds | Electricity |
Periodic Classification of Elements | Magnetic Effects of Electric Current |
Life Processes | Sources of Energy |
Control and Coordination | Our Environment |
How do Organisms Reproduce? | Sustainable Management of Natural Resources |
Syllabus for Social Science for Class X MP Board exams
Unit | Topics |
India Resources |
Industry |
Transport, Communication &ForeignTrade |
Disaster Management |
Maps |
First Struggle for Freedom and after |
Events related to the Independence Revolution |
Major Events of the Post-Independence period |
Indian Constitution |
Working of Indian Democracy |
Major Challenges before Democracy |
Story of Development |
Services Sector |
Consumer Awareness |
Economic Systems and Globalisation. |
Syllabus for English (Special) for Class X MP Board exams
Section | Section name | Topics | Marks |
A | Reading Skills (Reading Unseen Passages) | Three unseen passages: Factual passage,Discursive passage, Literary passage | 30 |
B | Writing Skills | Notice, message, telegram, advertisement; notice, letter, Story writing, etc. |
30 |
C | Grammar | Tenses, Sentence Structure, Determiners, Pronouns, Prepositions | 15 |
D | Prescribed Text Book | Two extracts from different poems, One or two questions based on one of the drama texts, two questions based on one of the prose texts | 25 |
The following is the syllabus for Hindi (Special) subject which the students can refer to.
Syllabus below for English (General) for Class X MP Board exams
Section | Section name | Topics | Marks |
A | Reading Skills (Reading Unseen Passages) |
15 |
B | Writing Skills |
20 |
C | Grammar |
20 |
D | Prescribed Text Book |
45 |
Syllabus for Hindi (General) for Class X MP Board exams
Students should put their complete focus in covering the entire syllabus at the earliest. There are certain MP board 10th Preparation Tips and strategies that will enable the students to score higher than their peers in Class X exams.
By following CLEAR EXAM preparation tips the students make their preparation go full-throttle. Foremost is that the students must understand is the exam pattern as they should know how the questions will be coming in the exam.
Practising mock tests can be really helpful for the students to understand the exam pattern. It tends to increase the speed of the students for writing the paper in comparatively lesser time durations. One thing that the students have to master for the exam is time management because there is a set duration in which the students have to complete the paper and also revise it.
Time and again it happens that the students commit mistakes in the paper and during revision they get the time to rectify them. Revision of the answer sheet is, therefore, a very important step that the students should not miss out on before submitting the answer sheet.
It will be very beneficial for the students if they start practising mock test papers and calculate the time they take to finish the exam. In this way, the students will not only come to know how much time they require to finish the exam but it will also tell them how much faster they need to answer the questions to match to the time given to complete board paper.
Every student must have the syllabus and the date sheet of the exam; they must follow it religiously. Students should try to complete the syllabus for the exam they are preparing for and then focus on revising the entire syllabus.
Topics which have the maximum weightage in the syllabus should be given more prominence by the students and they should make sure that they know those topics at the tips of their fingers. Preparing according to a time table is very productive for the students as they tend not to waste time if they know what study goals they have to achieve on a daily basis.
Many students get stressed up right before the exams but they should try to keep their heads calm. This can be achieved by different people differently, listening to music, swimming, dancing, to name a few.
Exam Pattern for MP Board
Exam pattern is an important aspect which the students need to understand before they the exam. By getting to know the small nitty-gritties of the exam, the students can come to know how they have to attempt the questions and what all points they need to take care of before and during the exam.
Getting the overview of the exam is crucial for the students as without it on the day of the exam, the students may go black out. Being clueless on how the test paper would be and how they have to go about the test may risk them a year.
Coining an exam strategy according to the exam pattern is very crucial for the students as without it there are high chances that a candidate can panic. To finish the exam paper in the stipulated time of the exam is very important for the students because if they do not finish the paper in the given time frame, they will lose marks just because of a lack of time management which can be pathetic.
Exam time is already very stressful for the students and the one way their stress can be reduced is by understanding the exam pattern well. The MP board exam for Class X is segregated into subjects that have practical and theory exams and then there are subjects with theory papers only.
It is important that the students score well in both practical and theory exams so that the overall marks can be high. There will be a huge difference on the cumulative score if the marks scored in theory is less or vice versa.
Science has both practical and theory papers wherein the distribution of marks is 25:75. Subjects with only theory papers of 100 marks each are Mathematics, Social Studies, English, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, French, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Persian, Russian, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil and Telugu.
CLEAR EXAM presents a table mentioning the subject, maximum marks, time duration of the exam and the minimum marks required to qualify the exams successfully. Students should make sure that they prepare well for theory and practical exams as they are equally important for scoring high in Class X MP Board exams.
Group | Max. marks | Time | Min. marks to qualify |
External Assessment Languages
100 | 3 hours | 33 |
Mathematics | 100 | 3 hours | 33 |
Science (Theory + Practical) | 100 (75+25) | 3 hours+2 hours | 25 in theory & 08 in practical |
Social Science | 100 | 3 hours | 33 |
Internal Examination
50 | 3 hours | 17 17 17 17 Institution marking system |
Mock Test for MP Board
To score high marks in Class X MP board exams, it is very important that the students make practising the mock tests a daily component in their lives. Mock tests are the ones which are made in a pattern similar to the actual test so that the students get the real exam experience when they solve the mock test.
After the students complete their syllabus they should focus on solving a maximum number of mock tests and previous year question papers so that they get to know MP board 10th Exam Pattern and the type of questions which are to be asked in the exam.
At times, the students witness that the question asked in the mock tests came in the actual exam as another variant. Solving mock tests is indeed very beneficial for most of the students. There are a plethora of mock test materials already available online and offline.
When the students practise the online mock tests they can get them checked in a fraction of a second. The marks obtained are clear parameters defining the magnitude and direction of their efforts. Only through practise the candidates can score high marks in each subject and it is required that the students should know a lot about the standard of the questions which are asked in the exam.
Practising similar questions to what is asked in the exam will provide the students with the confidence of knowledge that they need. Time management is an important quality that is required for an important exam of the likes of Class X MP board exams.
# Admit Card for MP Board Exams
The exam hall entry ticket is known as the MP board 10th Admit Card which the student gets from the MP Board itself. The admit card has all the important details of the student including their personal details, details of school they belong to, name of the subjects and the official authorities stamp.
It is vital for the students that the details which are mentioned on the admit card should be correct and if by any chance there is any mistake then the student should immediately inform the school authorities so that the rectification may be started immediately.
Issuing authority for the admit card is the MP board itself which drafts the admit card on the basis of the registration that was done by the candidates. Regular students need not worry about the admit card as the school authorities will give out the admit cards to the students as soon as they receive them from the board.
It is the mandatory of every student that they keep their admit cards safe from getting stained as it is a very important document for Class X board exams. The Class X MP board aspirants must remember that they will not be allowed entry to the exam centre in case they fail to produce the admit card. It is, therefore, very important that the students carry their admit cards when they are going to appear for board exams.
The one way the candidates can preserve their admit cards is by getting them laminated as it will safeguard them from stains and help it keep preserved for long. Students should also make sure that they don't misplace the admit card and they should keep it safely with them.
There is also an option for the students who can download the admit card from the official website. For downloading the admit card, the candidates need to visit mpbse.mponline.gov.in/MPBSE and they have to click on the link of the admit card. As soon as the page opens up, the students have to fill their correct credentials as only then the admit card will open.
After the admit card appears, the students can download the file and take out two (2) colored print outs. It is also advised that the students carry their admit cards and school ID with them to the test centre.
Result For MP Board
The MP board 10th result date makes the students go mad with anxiety as they keep on waiting for this day. As soon as the results for the Class X MP board exams are released, the students get glued to their computer screens to check the results.
A frenzy runs through the students and their families to check the MP board 10th result; there is a lot of anxiety on hold because the Class X results really mean a lot. Not only for the students but for their family also. During this time the students should not get very anxious about the MP board matric result as all the hard work that they have done for the exam and the way they performed in the exam was central now they should just stay calm awaiting results with positivity.
The MP board result 10th is likely to be released in May. It will be published on the official website. All important notices related to the exam will be posted on the website and if the students visit the website regularly they will come to know the notifications.
To check the results, all the students have to do is to enter their MP Board roll number on the landing page. When the result page appears, the students will be able to view their results in which the marks obtained by the candidate will be given subject-wise. The aggregate total will also be mentioned.
The students must do is to check their personal details on the result to see if they are viewing the correct result or not. After the students have viewed the results, they can download the same and keep the result safe for future reference.
The students will get the original copy of the result from the school authorities and they should preserve the result document well.
Based on the results that the students achieve, they will be granted admission Class XI with or without the streams of their choice for higher education.
To make sure that the students get the career stream of their choice among Commerce, Science and Humanities streams, the students should only have one single goal to score the highest percentage possible in the board exams.
The Way Ahead For Students After MP Board
There are a variety of avenues from which the meritorious students can opt for after their Class X board exams. Besides deciding the career stream they want to pursue, the students can also make the decision on their choice of school.
Many prestigious schools conduct admissions for Class XI but for that the percentage achieved must really be high. There are a lot of benefits that the students can get by taking admission into a new school after Class X because of the faculty and the course that they want to pursue might not be available in their present school.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the schedule of MP Board X exams?
A: Class X MP Board exams will continue from March 3, to March 27.
Q: How to check MP Board Class X date sheet?
A: To check the date sheet the students are required to visit the official website of MP Board.
Q: When will the MP Board Class X results be published?
A: MP board Class X results are likely to be published in May.
Q: What documents should I carry to the board exam centre?
A: On the day of the exam, the students must carry their admit card and a valid school ID.
Q: Is there any relaxation given to the differently-abled candidates?
A: Yes, there are relaxations given to the differently-abled students. The visually-impaired students who fall in the blind category can opt Music instead of Mathematics.For those hearing-impaired and unspeaking falling under Deaf & Mute category, can choose Music & Drawing instead of Mathematics & Science respectively.
Q: How many additional subjects the students can choose?
A: Students can choose only 1 additional subject.