Gear Up For Class XII MP Board
Board exams are something that give goosebumps to every single candidate. No exception! And the anxiety is not at all unnecessary. For the results of the same will be carried forward by the candidates whenever they are looking for a job; be it the first one or a subsequent job change.
The same applies with the candidates for MP Board exams. Practice and effective time management are the only Mantras that can help students get through the exams with flying colours. The results will determine what course the students would pursue where they would get admissions for the same, in case they opt for humanities. For those interested in science, entrance exams are the actual keys.
High percentage is what we call success in the Board exams and the students need to achieve this by persistent efforts. Annual exams of the MP Board are appeared by thousands of students. There are several factors that contribute to the success of students as they have to concentrate on each subject and score high in every single one of them.
The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) conducts MP Board exams. It is important that the students who have completed their Class XI exam and are studying in Class XII appear in the board exams of MP Board.
MP board exams are conducted in paper and pen mode. Rules that have been established by the board are binding for the students. March is when the exams are conducted and it is really important that the students should complete their syllabus well in advance for it.
Collaborating different MP Board 12th Preparation Tips and choosing the ones which would be most beneficial for the student is the best way the candidates can prepare for the exam. Class XII board exams are major assessment tests of one’s school life that ascertain their admission into colleges for further studies.
There are a lot of career opportunities one can pursue after Class XII. This, however, can only be done once the students score desired percentage in the board exams. It is not an easy task for the candidates to score high but they have to put their best foot forward in the exams irrespective of the anxiety that comes bundled with examination.
Class XII Board Exams are the deciding factors for the respective careers of the students and they have this opportunity to score the best possible marks.
Key Pointers For Class XII MP Board Exams

A certain application process is required to be completed by the regular and private candidates. Schools of regular candidates conduct the application process and all the documents to be submitted are notified to the students for being sent with the application form. Time table of the exam is made available for the students online and one can access the same from the MP Board’s official website.
The exam time table is an important asset that the students can use to make their preparations a bit less complicated through effective planning. The Class XII MP Board exams are set to start from March 2 and will continue till March 31.
Students will be given entry to the exam centre only if they possess a valid admit card. The same was made available on the official website in January. In the third week of May, the students will be able to view their MP Board 12th Result. For the higher education of the students, the candidates need to appear the board exams and score well in them.
Full Exam Name | Madhya Pradesh Board XII Examination |
Short Exam Name | MP Board XII |
Conducting Body | Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education |
Frequency of Conduct | Annual |
Exam Level | Intermediate |
Languages | Arabic, Bengali +16 More |
Mode of Application | Offline |
Application Fee (General) | Rs 900 [Offline] |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Exam Duration | 3 Hours |
Important Dates For Class XII MP Board Exams
Scheduling for the exams can be done according to the timetable for the candidates need to complete the syllabus right before MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th and then follow the revision sequence for exams.
There are a lot of benefits that the students get if they prepare early as their syllabus gets completed at a comparatively fast pace and they don’t panic like the other students on how to complete the syllabus before the exams.
Going ahead with the exam preparation in a planned and systematic way will make sure that the students have ample time for revision before the test. The gaps which the students get between their exams should also be utilized optimally; they can also use those days to prepare for the subject in which there is a comparatively smaller gap.
Date | Exam |
March 02 | Exam - Special Language Hindi (Including Vocational Students) | Mode: Offline |
March 03 | Exam - Special Language Sanskrit | Mode: Offline |
March 04 | Exam - Special Language English (including vocational students) | Mode: Offline |
March 06 | Exam - Second Language (General):- Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Marathi, Urdu | Mode: Offline |
March 09 | Exam - Informatics Practices | Mode: Offline |
March 13 | Exam - Indian Music History, Physics, Business Studies, Ele. Science and Maths useful for agriculture, Drawing and Painting, Home Management, Nutrition, and Textile | Mode: Offline |
March 17 | Exam - Sociology, Psychology, Agriculture (Humanities Group), Home Science (Art Group), Foundation Course, Environment Education and Rural Development (VOC) | Mode: Offline |
March 18 | Exam - Drawing and Designing | Mode: Offline |
March 19 | Exam - Special Language Urdu | Mode: Offline |
March 20, | Exam - Biology | Mode: Offline |
March 21, | Exam - Economics, First Question Paper of Vocational Course (VOC) | Mode: Offline |
March 23, | Exam - Higher Mathematics | Mode: Offline |
March 24, | Exam - Biotechnology | Mode: Offline |
March 26, | Exam - Political Science, Animal Hus. Milk Trade, Poultry Farming and Fishery, Element of Science, History of Indian Art, Business Economics, Second Question Paper VOC | Mode: Offline |
March 27, | Exam - Physical Education | Mode: Offline |
March 28 , | Exam - Geography, Chemistry, Crop. Production and Horticulture, Still Life & Design, Anatomy Physiology and Health, Third Question Paper Vocational Course (VOC) | Mode: Offline |
March 30 , | Exam - NSQF IT/ITES, Security VOC | Mode: Offline |
March 31, | Exam - Bookkeeping and Accountancy | Mode: Offline |
May 15, (Tentative) | Result | Mode: Online |
Eligibility For Class XII MP Board Exams

Eligibility is crucial. The first step that the students should take is to check the eligibility criteria before filling the application for Class XII MP Board exams. It is mandatory for every candidate that they adhere to MP Board 12th Eligibility Criteria regulations laid down by the board.
There are specific sets of rules that are to be followed by regular and private candidates. Annual board exams will start in March and the application process for the same started back in 2019.
It is mandatory for the students that they should have passed Class XI from any recognized board and in Class XII the students must be studying in a school under the MP Board. The students should not miss out on filling in the application form. Failing to do so may cost them a year.
Only the students with their name on the list will be allowed to appear the board exam. Attendance is a crucial criteria for appearing in Class XII board exams.
Application For Class XII MP Board Exams
Along with MP Board 12th Application Form, candidates are required to submit the fees that are the same for all categories: General, OBC, SC and ST. Rs 900 have to be shelled out with every single application form which is submitted offline.
The application form is made available to the students on the official website of the board. The details mentioned on application form need to be correct and should match the documents enclosed.
The documents are mandatory verified for every candidate. Stern action is taken on those found catering false information to the board. The application is destined to get cancelled in case of all misinformation or false information cases.
Syllabus For Class XII MP Board Exams

Syllabus is a vital component during the exam preparation as the students refer to it throughout the year until the exams. Students identify and segregate the topics that are to be covered and they can plan it accordingly for their preparations for the exams.
Planning needs to be done for the exams. The plan needs to be effective and its execution meticulous. Both start with the syllabus. It is the goal of the students that they have to complete and achieve. With each chapter, the weightage is assigned and according to the weightage of the chapter, the candidates can focus on the chapters.
There should be clarity among the students on what topics are to be covered for the exam. There have been cases when the board cancels a few topics for the exam. Spending time on the omitted topics is wastage too as far as boards are concerned. Devoting time daily on studies during the exam time is a must for the students.
As the board exams are scheduled to kick off in March, the students must plan out the syllabus in such a way that they complete it by December. MP Board 12 Maths Syllabus is published on the official website like the other syllabi.
Syllabus for English
Units | Topics | Marks |
Text and Detailed Study | Two Passages Question and Answers |
30 |
Grammar | Functional Grammar Phonology |
10 |
Fiction | One out of two questions Five out of six questions |
15 |
Drama | One out of two questions Five out of six questions |
15 |
Reading | Unseen Passage Unseen Poem |
15 |
Writing | Essay Short Composition Letter Writing |
15 |
MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Physics
Chapters | Topics |
Electrostatics | Electric field, electric flux, Electric potential, Conductors and insulators, etc. |
Current Electricity | Electric current, Internal resistance of a cell, Kirchhoff ’s laws, Potentiometer, etc. |
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism | Concept of the magnetic field, Force on a current, etc. |
Electromagnetic induction and alternating current | Faraday’s law, induced emf and current, Alternating currents, AC generator and transformer etc. |
Electromagnetic Waves | Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum, etc. |
Optics | Reflection of light, Scattering of light, Optical instruments, Wave optics, etc. |
Dual nature of matter and radiation | Photoelectric effect, particle nature of light, Matter waves, etc. |
Atoms and nuclei | Alpha, Composition and size of nucleus, etc. |
Electronic Devices | Semiconductors, Junction transistor, etc. |
Communication Systems | Elements of a communication system, propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, etc. |
Syllabus For Chemistry
Chapters | Topics |
Solid State | Classification of solids, calculation of the density of unit cell, electrical and magnetic properties, etc. |
Solutions | Types of solutions, depression of freezing point, abnormal molecular mass, etc. |
Electrochemistry | Redox reactions, Kohlrausch’s Law, lead accumulator, etc. |
Chemical kinetics | Rate of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, etc. |
Surface Chemistry | Adsorption, colloidal state, properties of colloids, emulsions – types of emulsions, etc. |
General Principles and Isolation of Elements | Concentration, occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminium, etc. |
P - Block Element | Group 15, 16, 17 and 18 elements, etc. |
D and f block element | General introduction, Lanthanide, Actinoids, etc. |
Coordination compound | Introduction, coordination number, bonding, etc. |
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes | Haloalkanes, Haloarenes, Uses and environmental effects of dichloromethane, freons, DDT etc. |
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers | Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, uses, etc. |
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids | Nomenclature, methods of preparation, uses, etc. |
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen | Amines, Cyanides and Isocyanides, Diazonium salts, etc. |
Biomolecules | Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Nucleic Acids, etc. |
Polymers | Natural and synthetic, Some important polymers, nylon, polyesters, etc. |
Chemistry in Everyday Life | Chemicals in medicines, food and agents, etc. |
Syllabus For Biology
Chapters | Topics |
Sexual Reproduction | Development of seeds and fruits, Production of gametes, Reproductive health, etc. |
Genetics and Evolution | Linkage and crossing over, DNA, Evolution, Mendelian inheritance, etc. |
Biology and human welfare | Pathogens, Parasites, Adolescence and drug, Animal husbandry, etc |
Biotechnology and its application | Genetically modified (GM) organisms, Applications in Health, etc. |
Ecology and Environment | Ecological adaptations, Ecosystems, Environmental issues, etc. |
MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Commerce (Maths)
Chapters | Topics |
Relations and Functions | Types of relations, One to one and onto functions, Binary operations, etc. |
Inverse Trigonometric Functions | domain, principal value branches, Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions, etc. |
Matrices | types of matrices, Concept of elementary row and column operations, etc. |
Determinants | Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, etc. |
Continuity and Differentiability | derivative of composite functions, Logarithmic differentiation, Second order derivatives, etc. |
Applications of Derivatives | tangents and normals, maxima and minima, Simple problems, etc. |
Integrals | Integration, Definite integrals as a limit of a sum, etc. |
Applications of the Integrals | especially lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses, etc. |
Differential Equations | order and degree, Solution of differential equations, homogeneous differential equations, etc. |
Vectors | Vectors and scalars, position vector of a point, Scalar (dot) product of vectors, etc. |
Three-dimensional Geometry | Cartesian and vector equation of a line, Distance of a point from a plane, etc. |
Linear Programming | The objective function, different types of linear programming problems, optimal feasible solutions, etc. |
Probability | Multiplication theorem on probability, Random variable and its probability distribution, Repeated independent trials, etc. |
Chapters | Topics |
Relations and Functions | Types of relations, One to one and onto functions, Binary operations, etc. |
Inverse Trigonometric Functions | domain, principal value branches, Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions, etc. |
Matrices | types of matrices, Concept of elementary row and column operations, etc. |
Determinants | Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, etc. |
Continuity and Differentiability | derivative of composite functions, Logarithmic differentiation, Second order derivatives, etc. |
Applications of Derivatives | tangents and normals, maxima and minima, Simple problems, etc. |
Integrals | Integration, Definite integrals as a limit of a sum, etc. |
Applications of the Integrals | especially lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses, etc. |
Differential Equations | order and degree, Solution of differential equations, homogeneous differential equations, etc. |
Vectors | Vectors and scalars, position vector of a point, Scalar (dot) product of vectors, etc. |
Three-dimensional Geometry | Cartesian and vector equation of a line, Distance of a point from a plane, etc. |
Linear Programming | The objective function, different types of linear programming problems, optimal feasible solutions, etc. |
Probability | Multiplication theorem on probability, Random variable and its probability distribution, Repeated independent trials, etc. |
Syllabus For Economics
Part Name | Unit Name |
Introductory Microeconomics | Introduction |
Consumer Behaviour and Demand | |
Producer Behaviour and Supply | |
Forms of Market and Price Determination | |
Simple Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply Curves | |
Introductory Macroeconomics | National Income and Related Aggregates — Basic Concepts and Measurement |
Determination of Income and Employment | |
Money and Banking | |
Government Budget and the Economy | |
Balance of Payments |
Syllabus For Business Studies
Part Name | Unit Name |
Principles and Functions of Management | Nature and Significance of Management |
Principles of Management | |
Business Environment | |
Planning | |
Organising | |
Staffing | |
Directing | |
Controlling | |
Business Finance and Marketing | Business Finance |
Financial Markets | |
Marketing | |
Consumer Protection | |
Entrepreneurship Development |
Syllabus For Accounts
Part Name | Unit Name |
Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations and Partnership Firms | Accounting Not-For-Profit Organization |
Accounting for Partnership | |
Reconstitution of Partnership | |
Dissolution of Partnership Firm | |
Company Accounts and Financial Statement Analysis OR Computerised Accounting System |
Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital Analysis of Financial Statements Statement of Changes in Financial Position OR Overview of Computerised Accounting System Using a Computerised Accounting System Accounting Using Database Management System Accounting Applications of Electronic Spreadsheet. |
Syllabus For Geography
Unit | Name | Marks |
Part-A (Fundamentals of Human Geography) | ||
Unit 1 | Human Geography | 30+5 for Map work = 35 marks |
Unit 2 | People | |
Unit 3 | Human Activities | |
Unit 4 | Transport, Communication, and Trade | |
Unit 5 | Human Settlements | |
Part-A (India- People and Economy) | ||
Unit 6 | People | 30+5 for Map work = 35 marks |
Unit 7 | Human Settlements | |
Unit 8 | Resources and Development | |
Unit 9 | Transport, Communication and International Trade | |
Unit 10 | A geographical perspective on selected issues and problems. | |
Total | 70 |
Syllabus For History
Unit | Unit Name | Marks |
Themes in Indian History (Part-I) | ||
Unit 1 | The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Archaeology | 30 |
Unit 2 | Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story | |
Unit 3 | Social Histories: using the Mahabharata | |
Unit 4 | A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa | |
Themes In Indian History (Part- II) | ||
Unit 5 | Medieval Society through Travellers' Accounts | 32 |
Unit 6 | Religious Histories: The Bhakti - Sufi Tradition | |
Unit 7 | New Architecture: Hampi | |
Unit 8 | Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i-Akbari | |
Unit 9 | The Mughal Court: Reconstruction Histories through Chronicles | |
Themes in Indian History (Part - Ill) | ||
Unit 10 | Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports | 32 |
Unit 11 | Representations of 1857 | |
Unit 12 | Colonialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports | |
Unit 13 | Mahatma Gandhi through Contemporary Eyes | |
Unit 14 | Partition through Oral Sources | |
Unit 15 | The Making of the Constitution | |
Map work | 6 | |
Total Marks | 100 |
Syllabus For Political Science
Unit | Unit Name | Marks |
Contemporary world Politics (Part-A) | ||
Unit 1 | The Cold War Era | 15 |
Unit 2 | The End of Bipolarity | |
Unit 3 | US Hegemony in World Politics | 15 |
Unit 4 | Alternative Centres of Power | |
Unit 5 | Contemporary South Asia | |
Unit 6 | International Organizations | 10 |
Unit 7 | Security in Contemporary World | |
Unit 8 | Environment and Natural Resources | 10 |
Unit 9 | Globalization | |
Politics in India since Independence (Part - B) | ||
Unit 10 | Challenges of Nation Building | 15 |
Unit 11 | The era of One-Party Dominance | |
Unit 12 | Politics of Planned Development | |
Unit 13 | India’s External Relations | 8 |
Unit 14 | Challenges to the Congress System | 12 |
Unit 15 | Crisis of the Democratic Order | |
Unit 16 | Rise of Popular Movements | 15 |
Unit 17 | Regional Aspirations | |
Unit 18 | Recent Development in Indian Politics | |
Total | 100 |
Preparation Tips For Class XII MP Board Exams

CLEAR EXAM suggests certain preparation tips that if followed can bring in massive change in the quality and quantity of their studies. These preparation tips can help maximising the impact of efforts that the students are putting in.
Following timelines makes the candidates understand how important effective planning is so that they don't lag behind their peers in the same race. Setting primary goals is what the students need to do in the first place. Without a goal, the candidates cannot where they are and where they actually want to be.
It is very important for Class XII board exams that students do not waste time failing which may lead them either to go astray of their planned goals or to reach short of it. Performance in the class tests and mock exams can help candidates judge their levels and also understand what all is required for reaching the aspirational percentage.
A candidate sans a goal is likely to go haywire. The performance is bound to follow a similar trajectory. Class XII is a very crucial stage as the students have no option but to deliver their best. Those failing three or less subjects in Class XII boards are given one chance to save a year from being wasted. The provision of compartment exams allows them to reappear the subjects they failed to get through.
Practising mock tests is extremely important for board exam preparations. Understanding where the student is going wrong, however, is best understood through mock tests. Analysing one’s strengths and weaknesses is what the students need to do at this point as they have already completed their syllabus and are working on optimizing their respective scores.
The level of the questions for the board exams is tough and the best way to acclimatize is to practise previous board exam papers. The benefit that the students get from this is that they come to know what they had already learned earlier. Every mock test should follow thorough revision. It is only after revision the test must start. Else, the purpose of mock tests would fail.
Following a daily routine is very helpful for the candidates as they can plan their day and will achieve tasks on a daily basis which will take them one step closer to their goal day in and day out. Guidance from teachers and doubt-clearing sessions in class increases the knowledge-base of the students.
Exam Pattern For Class XII MP Board Exams
CLEAR EXAM depicts the MP Board 12th Exam Pattern. MP Board follows its distinct exam pattern. That implies, planning needs to be customized in accordance with the MP Board exam pattern.
The Class XII MP Board Exam is a hard nut to crack. The candidates, however, can do it if they put in hard work and dedication. The Class XII MP Board exam continues for 3 hours with a total marks of 100. Minimum pass marks are set for 33. Those scoring less than the same are declared failed. Compartment exam schedule is published by the board after the results are out.
To be a step ahead from the peers, candidates can read the interviews of top achievers of MP board exams to know how they geared up for the exam pattern and devised their exam strategy.
To gain a high percentage in Class XII MP Board exams, the students need to give proper time to each subject as they have to score high in each one of them. Any subject that lags behind can make the gross aggregate dip.
Total percentage is calculated on the basis of marks scored in each subject and therefore if in even in one subject the student has scored low marks the net percentage is likely to follow the suit.
Group | Max. marks | Duration | Min. pass marks |
Group (A): Languages (i) First Language (Special) (ii) Second Language (General) |
100 Marks 100 Marks |
3 hours 3 hours |
33 Marks 33 Marks |
Group (B): Three subjects from any one group 1. Humanities 2. Science (Maths) 3. Science (Biology) 4. Commerce 5. Agriculture 6. Home Science 7. Language group 8. Fine Art |
(i) 100 Marks for one paper of the subject in which practical exam is not prescribed. (ii) 75 Marks for one paper of the subject in which practical exam is prescribed & 25 marks for practical. |
3 hours (each) | 33% Marks (each) |
Total Subjects= 2+3 = 5 | Total = 500 Marks | - | 33% Marks |
Group (C) Additional subjects (optional) | 100 Marks | 3 hours | 33 Marks |
Group (D) Internal examination: Environmental Education and Disaster Management (Compulsory to all faculty) |
Theory (External Exam) - 50 marks Project (Internal Exam) - 50 marks |
3 hours | Marks shall be shown in grading system. |
Mock Test For Class XII MP Board Exams
Solving mock tests before the exams is very important for every candidate. These are the exams that the students take to understand the real test-taking experience. There are many instances in which the students behave differently in stressful situations like exams. Mock tests can help them adjust with the stress.
Level of preparation of a student can be known by the marks obtained in the mock tests. The time frame that the students get before the exam must be utilized judiciously. Before the exam, it is very important that the candidate revises the MP Board 12th Syllabus and practises the maximum number of mock tests. The mistakes that the students commit in the mock tests need to be noted; they have to ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated in the board exams.
The students can refer to the official mock tests published by the board online. Marking scheme is kept the same as in the previous year exams. Amendments are timely notified. The level of practise that the students get in mock tests is unmatched to the question banks that they solve.
Admit Card For Class XII MP Board Exams
The entry ticket to exam hall for Class XII MP Board Exams is MP Board 12th Admit Card. The admit card holds utmost importance for the students as without it the candidates do not get entry to the exam hall. All the preparation may go in vain in absence of a valid admit card.
Admit card was made available online in January. On the official website of the board, the students can find the link via which they can access their respective admit cards.
It is extremely important for the private candidates that they download the admit card and carry two copies of it to every Class XII MP Board exam. Regular candidates are provided the admit cards by their respective schools. The private students can access it online.
Students must handle the admit card carefully and it should not get destroyed or lost. When the candidates receive the admit card, the first thing that they should check is that their personal credentials are mentioned correctly besides the school details.
Any incorrect information or spelling error on the admit card must be notified to the school authorities and eventually to the board officials for amendments before the commencement of the exams.
Before leaving for the exam, it is the duty of every candidate that they should make sure they have their admit cards with them and a school ID because without these identification documents entry is not granted. No one can twist or skew this norn, come what may!
Results For Class XII MP Board Exams
High percentage of marks are only achieved through sheer dedication and hard work. The aspirants of Class XII MP Board exams put their best efforts to attain the best as their future depends on the percentage they score.
College admissions that take place after the declaration of MP Board 12th Result are based on the marks obtained in board exams. For some courses, the students have to appear for entrance exams. For others, board exam marks are considered enough. Students must follow only their inner calling as far as higher studies are concerned as the course they pursue in graduation makes them stick to the particular field for the rest of their lives.
The 12th Result MP Board will be declared online by the board on the official website. It is likely to be published in the third week of May. Candidates need to keep checking the website for the latest updates. Every candidate gets MP Board Result 12th Class jitters but they have to go through this transitional phase to get to know how they have performed.
To view the MP Board Result Date Class 12, the students need to enter their credentials into the login portal. After viewing the result, the students must make sure that they download the result. Regular candidates will get the hard copy of the results from their respective schools. The online copy can suffice until the hardcopy is received.
By clicking on the results link, the website redirects to the page on which they have to enter their login details. The result page appears showing the marks obtained in each subject. Students can calculate the percentage of marks they have attained in Class XII.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the admit card get released for MP Board Class XII?
A: In February, the candidates appearing for MP Board Class XII will get their admit cards.
Q: Who decides the exam centre that would be alloted to the students?
A: The MP Board decides the exam centre alloted to the respective schools.
Q: What are the things that are allowed to be carried to the exam centre?
A: The candidates are required to carry their admit card, stationery items and a school ID.
Q: When will the Class XII MP Board exams conducted?
A: In March, the MP Board exams for Class XII will be conducted.
Q: From where can I download the date sheet for Class XII MP Board exams?
A: Candidates are required to visit for downloading the date sheet.
Q: How much time is given to complete the exam in MP Boards?
A: Students are supposed to complete their answers within 180 minutes or three hours.
Q: Are the MP Board practical exams important?
A: Yes, the MP Board practical exams are very important. Failing in practical exams is equally fatal although they carry less marks than their theory equivalents.